hey (hey) you (you) get into my car

Jul 20, 2012 22:45




Yeah so a funny thing happened recently where i stopped being pessimistic about the casting and whether this movie was going to be any good at all and instead i just started being really excited. I'M SORRY, I KNOW THESE MOVIES ARE SUPER PROBLEMATIC BUT I JUST LOVE BATMAN STUFF SO MUCH ;______________;

It didn't blow my mind the way The Dark Knight did because really, how do you top the Joker? You don't. It can't be done. But i did get a lot of nerd joy out of a lot of things.

MAINLY CATWOMAN. BECAUSE CATWOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adhgfsajgfjhghsdgfjhdgfnsdgf all my skepticism about Anne Hathaway went out the window the second she appeared on-screen. UGH the moment when Bruce caught her stealing the pearls and she shifted from wide-eyed apologetic maid to smirky asshole Catwoman WAS THE GREATEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE. I MAY BE EXAGGERATING BUT NOT REALLY. I JUST... I LOVE CATWOMAN SO MUUUUUUUCH AND ANNE HATHAWAY'S FACE IS PERFECT AND I LIKE IT WHEN SHE KISSES CHRISTIAN BALE'S FACE AND I'M GONNA CRY ABOUT IT FOREVER

I love that there wasn't any sort of "Bruce is Batman!" reveal for her she just put it together because it was obvious. And they got along SO GREAT whether it was Bruce and Selina or Batman and Catwoman and oh god i ship them so much, i'm incapacitated by my feelings, oh god, she rescued him from Bane and everything i love in life is Catwoman rescuing Batman

and also kissing him

and telling him to run away with her


Oh man i was so disapproving of the heels for her costume but the fact that they're weapons is A+++++++++++ And while my least favorite thing was the lack of a cowl, i've adjusted to her overall look and i like it. The goggle cat ears are the cutest. :)

I went into this expecting three things: Marion Cotillard is Talia al Ghul; Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the next Batman; and Bruce dies in the end. I'm satisfied with that being generally how it went down, but the lack of surprise is a little disappointing. Still, i loved the conclusion. "Robin" though was like... what. I mean i know you've gotta make it obvious for people and Dick Grayson probably (maybe?) wouldn't have landed as an "oh shit" moment for general audiences and you can't really have two characters named something else to mislead the nerds and Blake had a different backstory and shit, but when it was all "oh right my given name" i was expecting Dick Grayson! And so i was like OH YES HERE IT COMES-- "Robin." ?????

You know like a million years ago, long before this movie was cast, my main dreamcasting was for JGL as Dick Grayson. :) So i'm just gonna pretend that's who he was. :) I WANT TO SHIP HIM WITH BARBARA GORDON SOOO MUUUUUCH BUT BARBARA GORDON IS A NON-ENTITY IN THESE MOVIES >:(


Oh and speaking of characters not named what you expect them to be named: i thought Juno Temple was Holly! But on IMDB she's just listed as "Jen." ...So.

The part with the whole "Bane is Ra's al Ghul's son!" thing made me go WHAT?????????? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i breathed a huge sigh of relief when the full reveal happened and ugh that was such an awesome backstory for Talia. Except... it literally came out of nowhere and she never got to do anything besides sleep with Bruce, stab Batman, and die, so also fuck you. I don't even typically like Talia! And this was such a great opportunity to make me like her! Which her backstory did! BUT SHE WAS BARELY IN THE MOVIE! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There just could have been so much more time spent on her and who she was and parallels/antagonism with Bruce instead of hours of Bane's mushmouth hiding a twist that could be seen from a mile away. I did unexpectedly feel some feelings about Bane and Talia though.

I was fully expecting Cillian Murphy to show up in this given some interview snippet i saw of him a while back that asked him about Batman and he was like "I CAN'T TALK ABOUT BATMAN" while totally unable to keep a straight face and i was like "aww yisss." As the movie went on i got a little concerned because it didn't seem like they'd be able to shoehorn him in, but then he appeared and i was like :D :D :D :D :D :D DISTRACTINGLY DELIGHTFUL CILLIAN MURPHY CAMEOS: MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cillian Murphy actually starring in movies that i love would obviously be better, but that rarely happens. :/

So pissed at Bruce for how he treated Alfred. Uggggghhhhh. >:( I loved that ending moment, but it wasn't quite enough to make up for it. DAMMIT BRUCE HE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!! AFTER HE EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU HE DID NOT WANT TO SEE YOU DIE, YOU FUCK!

Gordon finally finding out Batman is Bruce, plus the Begins flashback: oh nooooooo my feelings ;______;

One shot that's stuck in my head is Selina in the Bat Jet, gazing out at the city. I just thought that was super pretty. I really like her face. ;______; I want a blu-ray so i can take screencaps of Catwoman stuff until my eyes bleed. ;__________;

The end of the movie didn't really punch me in the gut with "end of an era" feelings even though i've loved the Nolan movies. I just felt sort of... generally pleased? I liked it! I like Batman stuff! It didn't include the majority of what i love about Batman stuff, but that's okay! ALL I REALLY WANTED WAS CATWOMAN BEFORE THESE MOVIES WERE OVER, AND I GOT CATWOMAN AND SHE WAS GREAT AND I'M HAPPY :D

oh and p.s. that Superman teaser






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