death to all who stand in your way

Jun 19, 2011 23:22





And everybody i talked to kept saying "when are those eggs going to hatch? i know those eggs are going to hatch!" and i was like "naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah they're fossilized they ain't gonna hatch"



I like that the season started with baby direwolves and ended with baby dragons. But see i kept figuring dragons would make a comeback like... they were hiding or something. The way everybody thought the White Walkers were gone but they were just laying low or whatever, i thought that would be what happened with the dragons. Which is still kind of what happened, but seriously man i just ignored everything about the eggs because i thought it was too obvious. :B

And of course Drogo is dead, fuck everythiiiinnnng. I was expecting it BUT STILL. >:( ........Although now i finally kind of ship Dany/Jorah. :T

I do appreciate the importance of Drogo dying, though. Because prior to now Dany was getting all her power from her marriage and her son, which are basically the only positions afforded to a woman to hold any influence at all. Losing Drogo AND losing her son makes it so that she gains all her power herself. Which is awesome. And Dany may be the most extreme of all of them, but it seems as though every woman's part in the story is one that is attempting to carve a way through or around the limited roles society allows them. But then again you could say that about every character, regardless of gender.

UGH THE BEGINNING OF THIS EPISODE WAS BRUTAL. I was not looking forward to the soul-crushing Stark sadness. ;_________; (great Father's Day viewing!!!!!) Sansa especially OH MY GOD. Somehow i didn't think Joffrey could get any worse but holy shit. He got worse. I'm honestly not sure which Stark i'd rather see brutally murder him. And man, last week i was so relieved that they didn't actually SHOW Ned's beheading, which was a serious concern given the gore level on this show. The aftermath was a little easier to cope with than actually seeing it happen, but Joffrey forcing Sansa to look at his head on a pike was stomach-turning nonetheless.

ARYAAAAAAAA. So she's like Mulan now?!??!!!!?!??!?!!!!!!! And with Robert's bastard son, oh shit! Secret noble kids aw man. If they're headed to the Wall I AM REALLY EXCITED FOR JON AND ARYA POSSIBLY GETTING TO SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN. Although maybe not if the entire Night's Watch is headed north. But anyway i love how much Jon and Arya love each other and it makes me sad that Jon can't ever leave the Wall to see anybody. Which is obvs the whole ~struggle~ but, man, the Night's Watch kind of sucks okay. Really though it makes me sad how separated all the Starks are, because in a world like this there is a very real possibility that some of them will NEVER see each other again. :( CAN'T THEY AT LEAST HAVE A NICE FAMILY BBQ ONCE A YEAR, COME ON


Tyrion and Shae are adorable, aaaah. FFFFFFF i want them to look after Sansa when they get to King's Landing, can they pleeeeeease ;_____;

The Catelyn and Jaime scene was pretty great, i can't believe he actually admitted pushing Bran out of the window. If only he had said why, though! BECAUSE INCEST, CATELYN, THAT'S WHY

I kind of love Varys and Petyr, is that weird? THEY'RE SUCH CATTY ASSHOLES and they're so funny together, it's pretty great. Although so far i like Varys much better on the show; in the book he seems more simpering and unpleasant.

SERIOUSLY THAT WHOLE ENDING SCENE OF DANY, with her clothes burned off and with the baby dragons oh my goooooooodddddddd. It was so powerful looking, and everyone bowing before her and aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh SO RAD SO RAD SO RAD

I want next season nooooowwwwwwwww. I know it's not as bad for me because i still have a billion books to read, but ugghhh i love the show so much! And i keep feeling concerned that the show will be less exciting if i know what to expect from reading the books. waaaahhhh :( I'VE NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM BEFORE, BOOKS ALWAYS GET TURNED INTO MOVIES NOT TV SHOWS. TRUE BLOOD DOESN'T COUNT. (although i actually am looking forward to that coming back, even though last season mostly sucked. eh. i'm overinvested in Jessica and Hoyt.)


game of thrones

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