Tron: Legacy
It's a lot more exciting knowing from the beginning that Rinzler is Tron, because TROOOOOOON, and also it's like, jeez they even made it really obvious. You can tell it's his voice when he first defeats Sam, and of course lol there is a big goddamn T on his chest. TROOOOOOOOON. I love him. ;_____; And okay last time my brother said the internet was saying you could see him on the shore at the very end, so i looked really closely and... maybe?? I saw a seemingly extra glowy human-shaped spot, but it was so tiny (in IMAX!) i couldn't really say for sure without screencaps. But obviously Tron didn't die in the end, and even with the destruction of the Grid it would make sense for him to survive since they specifically say that Flynn brought him over from the old Grid, and the reason the new Grid is destroyed with Flynn and Clu is because Flynn and Clu created it. But Tron wasn't created by them! TRON LIVES.
I WANT SEQUELS SO BADLY. SOOOO BAAAAAAAADLY. And while that would kind of ruin the novelty of this one, and there wouldn't be any Jeff Bridges :(, i... i just want more radness. And Cillian Murphy. And Quorraaaaaaaa. And TRON.
Clu actually worked a lot better for me this time, maybe because i was being overly critical of the effects last time? I dunno. I was even kind of emotionally affected by the Flynn/Clu elements, particularly the last scene. I like the thread that basically each of the main characters is a child of Flynn: Clu being the "perfect" creation in his own image, Quorra being his adopted daughter on whom he imparts his knowledge, and Sam being his actual biological son. I guess it gets into Father/Son/Holy Spirit territory which i don't like because, eeeehhhhhhh, that's too self-important and religious allegory is played out (even though the first Tron had that too). I just like that it's about family! HENCE THE "LEGACY" IN THE TITLE.
Oh oh, more TRON: INCEPTION -- "an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone." And Sam says "I'll improvise", like Ariadne "improvising" when she shoots Mal. :D
Other crossovery thoughts i had: Flynn saying he was "gonna go knock on the sky and listen to the sound" reminded me of BSG and "What do you hear?" "Nothing but the rain." and thus Adama/Kara/Lee is obvs Flynn/Quorra/Sam. Kara and Quorra, they even almost rhyme! (and Doc Cottle played Sam's grandpa SO HEY.) AND the other even more random thing that popped into my head was that there should be a Tron/Portal crossover because of orange and blue and the fact that GLaDOS is amazing and would be amazing in the Tron universe because holy shit she could be corporeal, yessss. GLaDOS IS MY FAVORITE EVIL COMPUTER. (and to get more obscure: SHODAN! and i have never even played System Shock! I just like reading the stories of classic games a lot of the time. That is a big part of my relationship with video games: too many of them stress me out but i am so intrigued by their stories and worldbuilding and atmosphere that i love watching other people play them and will often just read about the plots online.)
Anyway, what? Evil computers are the best. And also Tron kind of reminds me of olden days when i was obsessed with ReBoot (they're practically the same thing!). YUP YUP YUP
THE ENDING IS SO PRETTY. QUORRAAAAAAA (also: i love that Flynn calls her Q, awwwwww., Star Trek crossover: she is unknowingly from the
Q Continuum??!???!?)
Man i am so forgiving of this movie's flaws. As in: i don't even give a fuck, i just love it. Ridiculously. A lot. BIODIGITAL JAZZ, MAN.
Black Swan
I am obviously super late in seeing this (somehow? in internet time?), and i hate the fucking Tumblr dramarama about it being an annoying hipster cliche (GOD TUMBLR, JUST SHUT UP SOMETIMES) but uggghhhh, fuck annoying hipster cliches, it was great. It seems like i'd been looking forward to it for foreeeeeverrrrrrr because HOLY SHIT rival Swan Lake ballerinas with bonus lesbianism whaaaatttttt
It did not exactly do what i had hoped/expected it to do in that Nina and Lily did not have as much of a relationship as i hoped/expected they would, but nonetheless i enjoyed it as an interesting/horrifying depiction of a fractured self and the literal/figurative reflections of that self in others. And today i was thinking that a Black Swan/Fight Club crossover (fanvid?) would be PRETTY SWEET. Physical pain and mental creation/destruction as manifested through violently hypermasculine and hyperfeminine pursuits.
Anyway it stuck with me a lot. Even though the symbolism wasn't especially complex i appreciate that it was incredibly thorough. And although a suicide ending was obvious from the start, it still made me depressed, as those things do. I am easily saddened by the emotional plights of doomed fictional characters.
I wish the sex scene hadn't been in her imagination. :(
Most unexpectedly hilarious part: von Rothbart dude in full makeup and outfit backstage, walking by and casually saying "hey."
Miscellaneous: BALLET!!!!!!!!! why aren't there more quality ballet movies?! i would watch the shit out of them; the full wings were spectacular and i wish that moment hadn't been spoiled by previews; Natalie Portman was amazing.
And now, as i did a few months ago when i went to the ballet for the first time ever (!), i am once again feeling the urge to rewatch Princess Tutu. Sigh.
True Grit
So awesome! And hilarious, holy shit Jeff Bridges. I've never seen the original so i can't compare, but gaaahhhh MATTIE ROSS. *_____* I love love love love love that she got to kill Tom Chaney and no one took that away from her, and that the movie began and ended with Mattie on her own.
I... surprisingly do not have much to say about it. THIS IS NOT DOING JUSTICE TO HOW MUCH I LOVED IT. IT WAS EXCELLENT. MATTIE ROSS!!!!!!!!
So i got the Alien Anthology blu-ray set for Christmas, which is stunninnnnnnngggggggg, but right about now i am wishing i had a computer with a blu-ray player and could make caps because hahahaha they don't exist online beyond a handful of images. Thanks for being totally worthless, internet! :( I even almost finished a huge Aliens picspam like a year ago but i was never happy with my cap editing and the blu-ray looks so much betterrrrr than the dvd. Ugghhhhh, this is killing me softly. But while i am speaking of it and with current rewatching fresh in my mind:
The first two Alien movies have always been the only ones worth a damn, but as time goes by it seems i become even MORE disgruntled about the last two. I try to ignore them, but my completism tends to get the better of me and watching the good ones makes me want to watch the bad ones despite myself. I usually don't -- i certainly haven't seen Resurrection in like a thousand years (it is pretty though, UNFORTUNATELY) -- but even so, i can never forget about them, especially since i didn't discriminate against 3 when i was a kid. So as much as i want to believe that nothing exists after Aliens except for Ripley and Hicks and Newt living together as a family with Bishop their android nanny, i can never clear my mind of the HORRIBLE AWFUL MURDER OF ALL JOY IN THE UNIVERSE that is Alien 3. The only thing that keeps me from discounting that unpleasant movie entirely is that Ripley is a shaved-head badass, the fact that she gets a final 'fuck you' to the Company is cool, and i always thought an alien gestating inside her was thematically interesting. AND i once saw a good post on the IMDB boards (!! i know!! that bastion of internet intelligence, that brain trust of film opinions!) that totally legitimizes the depressingly nihilistic ending and its effective use of Ripley's transmission from the end of the first movie: that there were no survivors of the Nostromo, and everything that happened in the sequels "was just borrowed time, paid for in the lives of everyone [Ripley] knew afterwards, fading out like a radio signal against the backdrop of a cold and uncaring cosmos." On the one hand, i think that's awesome, and the Alien series maybe shouldn't have a happy ending. But on the other hand, THE END OF ALIENS IS PERFECT, FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU.
LOL, more IMDB gold (for real): Note: If you LOVED this movie, it's probably best you don't see Alien 3. It, for some reason, turns the triumph of this film's conclusion into a depression deeper than the vastness of a hundred black holes. SO TRUE, IMDB POSTER. SO TRUE.
I'm sorry i haven't replied to comments in forever, i got lazy and distracted with holiday stuff. And now back to work tomorrow, OH BOY. Why do vacations always have to end? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy???? I JUST WANT TO SIT AROUND PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND WATCHING TV AND EATING JUNK FOOD. ;_____;