love burns a circle in the snow

Nov 29, 2010 00:56

I saw DH a second time! Apparently that warrants another post! LOL detailing every perfunctory thought i have about this movie. :B

Deathly Hallows, Part 1, again )

harry potter

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jennidarockstar November 29 2010, 23:27:05 UTC
I am so fucking excited to see the Ron/Hermione kiss oh my goodness.
You must know how unbelievably pumped I am to see this. And how terrified I am of seeing it early in the form of some shitty gif on Tumblr. I love Tumblr but the instant gif thing has been driving me crazy. God help the person who spoils this for me. I will END THEM.

I had totally forgotten about Hermione polyjuicing herself as Bellatrix, but now that i've been reminded, the shot of the single hair falling to Hermione's sweater is a nice little set-up. That's gonna be fun. :D
OMG THAT'S RIGHT. I've seen it...3 times now? And every time I was like "WHAT IS THIS RANDOM SHOT OF HAIR I DON'T GET IT."

Your local reviewer is a douchebag, pretty much. Is it just me, or do reviewers lately feel like they need to shit all over movies they know are going to be successful? GET OVER IT, IT'S AWESOME. EMBRACE IT.

Wasn't Rupert just exquisite in this movie? From the shirtsleeves to the deluminator speech, and OH GOD the LOOK on his FACE when he was looking at Hermione at the wedding.

Preparing for so many tears during part 2, gonna have to bring tissues or something because omg. Every single time I read "The Forest Again" I straight up bawl throughout the whole thing, I can't even begin to imagine how I'm going to feel while WATCHING IT.


toastandtea November 30 2010, 01:23:42 UTC
And how terrified I am of seeing it early in the form of some shitty gif on Tumblr.

OH GODDDDDDDDDDDD JENNI DON'T EVEN SPECULATE ABOUT THAT HAPPENING. I already hate Tumblr for being a dick about spoilers, but that would be TOO FAR. TOOOOO FAAAAAAAR. And it seems so silly to be worried about being spoiled for something that we already know happens, but actually seeing it for the first time is something you can never get back!

And every time I was like "WHAT IS THIS RANDOM SHOT OF HAIR I DON'T GET IT."

LOLOLOL. You'd think with all the hair-pulling and polyjuicing going on it would register! But we are a dim bunch, apparently. XD

Rupert was SO LOVELY, hell yes the look on his face at the wedding. I also love the scene when he convinces Harry not to leave in the middle of the night. And BABBITY RABBITY omg always and forever my favorite.

Every single time I read "The Forest Again" I straight up bawl throughout the whole thing, I can't even begin to imagine how I'm going to feel while WATCHING IT.

UGGHGHHHHHH I KNOW. And all the Tumblr posts with people putting those quotes over the trailer pictures of Harry -- every time i see any of that i have to choke back tears. WHILE BROWSING TUMBLR. Yeah, i'm gonna be a fucking mess.


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