love burns a circle in the snow

Nov 29, 2010 00:56

I saw DH a second time! Apparently that warrants another post! LOL detailing every perfunctory thought i have about this movie. :B

As i've thought about the movie over the past week and let it settle in my brain, it's grown on me a lot, to the point where i actually wanted to see it again in the theater (something i haven't done since POA). Despite thinking it was rather slow and a lot of things just don't play as well in movie form, there were so many emotions that genuinely came across in ways we've never seen in the films before, and there's so much about the trio that is my fucking favorite, oh my god heartbroken wizard kids oh my god. OT3 FOR ALL TIME. Still, i was concerned that upon rewatch it would seem even slower knowing how everything happens and i'd just be reminded of why i felt lukewarm about it in the first place, but in fact the opposite happened! The pacing really smoothed out, as i guess is often the case with second viewings. I get so caught up in everything on the first go-round that it all seems weird, but being able to watch it more casually makes me more able to enjoy it and let the emotion take over. Second viewings are the best, basically.

I've pretty much spent a lot of time thinking about Harry Potter this week, including listening to "O Children" on its own, which clamped down on my heart and left me an emotional wreck, much moreso than when i was actually watching that scene (probably because i was so confused at the time!). And then there is this interview with Emma Watson, wherein she says about the dance: "The way that Dan and I played it was there was the possibility there could be something else between Hermione and Harry." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY DID IT ON PURPOSE. ON PURPOSE!!!!!!! NOT JUST FROM A DIRECTING STANDPOINT BUT AN ACTING ONE AND SO BASICALLY THAT IS THE LITERAL INTENT OF THAT SCENE. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS

That whole interview is great. I also loved this part: They were like, "Oh, and P.S., we hope you don't mind but we'd like you both to be topless and covered in silver paint." I was like, "Ookay," if it wasn't weird enough before. (laughs) So yeah, it was bizarre. Luckily, Dan is very funny and talkative and we could just have a laugh about it. Kissing Rupert, he's slightly more quiet so I was like, "Oh, God, what's he thinking?" Whereas the whole time with Dan I knew EXACTLY what he was thinking, so that helped.

I LOVE THEMMMMMMM. I am so fucking excited to see the Ron/Hermione kiss oh my goodness.

I originally felt like it was incredibly stilted for the movie to essentially not have a conclusion, but now i think it ends at a good point. Malfoy Manor bookends the whole thing, and you've got the dramatic escape and sad death and then Voldemort getting the Elder Wand and setting the stage for the next installment. So it's a pretty decent open-ended stopping point. And i really do love that for once things don't feel so rushed. There's still some information-cramming here and there, but for the most part the choppy detail-overload of the previous films is not a problem. When all is said and done it's going to be fantastic to watch Part 1 and 2 together.

ROOOOOOON. The Deluminator speech is so completely wonderful and Hermione's face is amazing during it. I suppose it's especially poignant because it's the first time it's so blatantly stated that they're in love; it really gets to me how mature and caring they finally are (even despite Hermione being pissed and hilariously trying to attack him). I also could not even bask in the H/Hr naked kissing* this time because i was so focused on Ron in that part. It's so SAD and then ultimately so heartwarming that he's able to overcome the locket while faced with every horrible feeling of self-doubt he's ever had.

And ugghhh goddamn i love Ron in his wedding clothes, with the sleeves rolled up, and his arms, and-- !!! RUPERT GRINT

ALSO holy shit i don't think it even registered with me last time but when Yaxley is chasing them through the Ministry (which is so awesome and scary) Ron actually hits him with Expelliarmus WITHOUT EVEN TURNING AROUND. That is a fucking badass move.

The Harry/Ron hug when everybody arrives at the Dursleys is THE BEST. Oh my gosh those two. I also adore the post-Seven Potters trio hug. BFF HUGSIEEEEES :')

FREEEEED AND GEORRRRGGGGEEEE. Really watching Fred as he's so worried after George has lost his ear, ugghhhhh it's fucking gut-wrenching knowing what's coming. As occasionally weepy as i got during this movie, in the next one my eyeballs are going to be washed out of my head in an unending waterfall of tears.

I really loved watching the Malfoys this time around too; the clear desperation in all of them is played so well. I have a tendency to think Bellatrix comes across a little TOO bonkers in the movies -- like, to the point of being goofy rather than intimidating -- but she seems just right in this one. I especially love her face after she throws the knife. I had totally forgotten about Hermione polyjuicing herself as Bellatrix, but now that i've been reminded, the shot of the single hair falling to Hermione's sweater is a nice little set-up. That's gonna be fun. :D

What is uuuuup with Snape's hair looking more fabulous than ever, it's like he killed Dumbledore for hair products.

The Tale of the Three Brothers is still so beautifuuuuuuuul, its stylistic mismatch doesn't even bother me anymore. It's like an incredibly detailed shadow play, and the warm tones are so lovely, and i particularly love the sparkly Invisibility Cloak and Death spreading his huge wings at the end.

Dobby's "Of course. I'm an elf." when Harry asks if he can apparate in and out of the dungeon -- i don't know why but the way he says that is hilarious. And he does so much great stuff and is so endearing! Aw, Dobby. And then "Such a beautiful place to be with friends." is fucking HORRIBLE AND TRAGIC. But i love Luna closing his eyes so much. Lunaaaaaaaa. ;___;

Kingsley's warning at the wedding and its fading "They are coming. They are coming." is awesomely foreboding. I also think Lupin is great during that early stuff, completely on edge and doing what needs to be done.

One minor detail i love is Neville and Ginny sitting together on the train. I always thought they should've been a couple. :( And speaking of things that got Jossed -- remember the Ron-is-Dumbledore theory? Maaaan that was so awesome. I miss it. I miss all the amazing speculation in the old days. Back before the epilogue that killed a million souls.

I really wish movie-Ginny were awesome. It's so sucky how much of a snooze she is, considering how sassy and bold book-Ginny is. Even with HBP it feels like there's no precedent for Harry to end up with her. And here i could talk about how Harry/Luna makes more sense in EVERY MEDIUM but then i would feel the uncontrollable urge to cry forever.

OOOOKAY I simultaneously have a lot of things to comment on and absolutely nothing to say. I liked some things! I've gotten over most of the complaints i had! Movies is movies! Potterpotterpotterpotterpotter Weasley Weasley snaaaaaake, it's a snaaaaaake


On the other end of the emotional spectrum, i read the local paper's review of DH and i straight up want to murder our reviewer. I literally smashed my face into the page staring wide-eyed at the words while yelling. Please, share in my seething hatred:

1) He said that DH makes HP now indistinguishable from Twilight, and that -- i am quoting this exactly -- "Hermione and Bella are pretty much interchangeable." INTERCHANGEABLE. INTERCHANGEABLE. Sure, if Hermione didn't value her life, hated her friends and family, had no agency, and wanted to kill herself over a dude -- QUALITIES WHICH ARE ALL THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF HERMIONE -- then yeah, they're interchangeable.

This was in addition to referring to Ron as "a ginger-haired mouth breather."


2) He also claimed that "age hasn't been kind to the thespian abilities of Watson and Grint" which HA HA WHAT. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN WATCHING. ALL THREE OF THEM DO THE BEST WORK THEY'VE EVER DONE IN THIS MOVIE. Maybe rewatch the first four films and then tell me that Emma Watson hasn't improved a million-fold to be fucking GREAT. And Rupert! Rupert who has been the most reliably excellent since the very beginning! WHAT IS GOING ON. I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS.

I mean, you can tell by the tone of the article that the guy fucking hates Harry Potter; he concludes it by saying outright that he can't wait for the series to be over. But the blatant ignorance is absolutely maddening.

Oh well. Haters and their proclivity for various hating-related activities.

* Thanks to gifs cropping up on Tumblr, i've discovered that it's much more enjoyable to watch out of context. No emotional burden! JUST HARDCORE MAKIN' OUT

harry potter

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