a kick in the teeth is good for some

Jul 14, 2010 02:07

Oh gosh i was gonna post this weeks ago but then i stopped having thoughts and it is becoming less and less relevant by the day! LOOOOOOOST, DON'T GO. Already it feels so old and far away. Why does internet time move so fast?!? SHEESH

While i've adjusted since the show ended, i seem to have set into a more persistent dull sadness about it, because every now and then i think that when shows come back after the summer, LOST WON'T BE ONE OF THEM. That's where it gets me. I loved looking forward to new episodes so much. I loved constantly wishing for Jack and Kate to make out so much. I'm still working on picspams and junk, but it's just not the same. I've already moved on to thinking about other things. :C

A little while after the finale i was so desperate that i actually ventured onto AO3 to search for fic, which is something i NEVER DO because i have no patience for wading through random crap hoping for something awesome. Needless to say, i got bored pretty quick. You guys. There is no Jack/Kate fic. Where is it? It's nowhere. Which only leads me to conclude that i am a completely delusional boring dullard for shipping them in the first place. I mean, okay, i knew that! But nobody writes anything interesting about them at all? WHYYYYY. Ugh. I'd be more okay with it if there were some awesome Kate/Juliet to fill the void, but there's none of that either! WHY DON'T YOU WANT ME TO BE HAPPY, INTERNET?! This is why i've written various bits of lame secret unfinished fic. (with one notable crackfic that I WILL FINISH SOMEDAY, even if it takes me ten billion years, and nobody will care about it but i'll be proud! so proud.) I wish i could kidnap my favorite writers and force them to write awesome Lost fic. Blerg. Of the very little fic that i read in olden days when it would appear on my friends list unbidden, my favorites remain the ones by daygloparker ( ♥♥♥!!!) (Tahlia: writer of some of the only great Jack/Kate fic in existence!) and gabby_silang ( ♥♥♥!!!). SOMETIMES I MISS OLDEN DAYS.

I ALSO WANT VIDS. WHERE ARE THE VIDS. Most of my other nerdy shows i've typically been able to find some good ones, but with Lost, i just don't know where the vidders live. :( There are 6 seasons of material to use now! THEY'VE GOTTA BE SOMEWHERE. (i wildly love newkidfan's "Blood Makes Noise" - MORE LIKE THIS PLZ.)

About a month ago, as a direct result of having too much Lost on the brain (and, uh, also capping episodes immediately prior to going to bed), i had a dream that basically involved watching a second finale (i.e. the real-life series finale was only the penultimate episode) which HA HA WHAT, more Lost!!! Except it was two hours of super lame awful boringness that i was apparently watching with my entire extended family, and about halfway through everybody lost interest and wandered off because it was so bad. I think the episode took place in the afterlife or something, and it was all just everybody standing around talking. And Jack was dressed like the Pope. He was Pope of the afterlife! ???? UHHH. Anyway the episode was so disappointing, but i was still glued to it because MORE LOST! Aw. ;____;

My months-long project of capping the entirety of s1-5 (hahaaaaaaaa yeah. i just finished!) led me to take note of some things:

KATE: You look terrible.
JACK: Thanks.

3x23 - Through the Looking Glass / 4x09 - The Shape of Things to Come

I did not even notice that was a repeated exchange until reading transcripts! I FIND IT TO BE ADORABLE. Even [...especially?] in Through the Looking Glass when they're being BITTER EXES. It makes Jack laugh!

SAWYER: That light in the sky - it was from the Hatch, wasn't it?
LOCKE: The night that Boone died... I went out there and started pounding on it as hard as I could. I was... confused... scared. Babbling like an idiot, asking, why was all this happening to me?
SAWYER: Did you get an answer?
LOCKE: Light came on, shot up into the sky. At the time, I thought it meant something.
SAWYER: Did it?
LOCKE: No. It was just a light.

5x04 - The Little Prince

It was just a light. :O

(also, unintentionally dirty line: "I went out there and started pounding on it as hard as i could." .............HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT, NOOOOO)

LOCKE: You have to help me! You're supposed to help me!
JACK: John, it's over! It's done. We left, and we were never important.

5x07 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

I really love this scene, largely because it is SUPER HELLA DEPRESSING. Even moreso now that we know it was in fact the last time Jack and Locke ever interacted in their lives. Actually all of The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham is incredibly depressing knowing that it is truly the end of Locke's life; we were never able to mourn him properly because we kept getting bamboozled that he was still "alive." So looking back everything leading up to his death is incredibly bleak and awful, which it wasn't so much at the time because we thought he got resurrected. ANYWAY, THIS SCENE. I love it because it's a glimpse of Jack -- only a glimpse, not the main focus of the episode -- in the early stages of his downward spiral, as he's just starting to grow his Beard of Despair, and he's so absolutely bitter and hopeless. You look at this Jack compared to s6 Jack and it's like WHO IS THIS GUY. It's crazy! Much like Jack himself. SO CRAZY.

HURLEY: You're up.
JACK: Nah, you win.

4x01 - The Beginning of the End

Consider that dialogue in the context of the series finale. YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. I LOVE EVERY SCENE BETWEEN JACK AND HURLEY 500000000000 TIMES MORE NOW.

From The AV Club's Love saves the day: 18 death-defying meet-cutes:
4. Jack & Kate, Lost (2004)
Yes, it's true: For a big part of its run, Lost kept viewers intrigued with a will-they-or-won't-they tension featuring Matthew Fox's Jack and Evangeline Lilly as Kate. Of course, they kept the tension going long after viewers stopped giving a crap about these two egomaniacal basket cases, but their relationship was one of the first ones that drew viewers into the show. And they met in a way they'd definitely want to tell their future kids, provided those kids were ghoulish weirdoes. After all, if your parents first met after a grisly plane crash that killed dozens, and your dad suffered a gory injury to his back that he couldn't treat, so he pressed your mom into service cleaning and dressing his wounds, all while telling her a story about how he once operated on a crash victim and was so freaked out that he spilled her nerves out like angel-hair pasta, wouldn't you want to share that story with your friends?

*~*~EGOMANIACAL BASKET CASES~*~* I, uh, i get that that's not supposed to be a good thing. And yet somehow it makes me love them even more?!? Also, LOL, there was a time when Jack/Kate kept viewers intrigued? Like, multiple viewers who aren't me? SINCE WHEN

p.s. "their future kids" ;______;

p.p.s. SPEAKING OF WHICH, i will never be able to shake the idea that Kate was pregnant in the end. On the one hand, logically i wouldn't want her to have a kid because basically every other female character on the show is there for making babies, which... yep. Good job, Lost. Plus, before Aaron, Kate never wanted a kid of her own, and i like that about her. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, the fact that Jack and Kate had sex like two weeks ago in the chronology of events, JUST BEFORE THEY ULTIMATELY DECLARED THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND JACK DIED AND KATE CONTINUED ON WITHOUT HIM... how awesomely crazy would it be if she were actually pregnant that whole time! And then she becomes Sarah Connor! YESSSSSSSSS i mean, what.

(although, really, Rousseau is and always will be Lost's Sarah Connor. SHE CRAZY)

To be honest, i don't usually look at my ships and think "THEY SHOULD HAVE BABIES" (unless they're already really domestic). But. Suddenly i am becoming a little wistful for Jack/Kate babies. IDK IDK IDK :/

HURLEY: What happened to you guys? I thought you were gonna get married and have like a dozen kids.
JACK: Guess I wasn't cut out for it.
HURLEY: Really? I think you'd make a great dad.
JACK: I'd make a terrible dad.

6x05 - Lighthouse


Okay listen, i know the ending is ostensibly SUPER HAPPY, right, but jesus christ every time i look at pictures of Jack and Kate together in the church all i can think is that THEY'RE FUCKING DEAD and the time we saw them together was the only time they were together in their lives and IT STILL MAKES ME SO SAD. Because they spent so much of that time being jerks and not realizing what they meant to each other and going crazy and ruining everything. GUYS! YOU COULD HAVE SPENT WAY MORE TIME MAKING OUT! JEEZ

I dunno, looking back at season six is so weird now, knowing that the sideways world is the afterlife. The fact that they're dead the whole time just kind of makes it a downer, even though the sideways world is mostly all positive and getting things right and shit. It really isolates that story from the island current events and removes a lot of its urgency, i guess. Which is still pretty much how it was before the finale revelations, but even so it was a different feeling to consider it as an alternate timeline that was occurring on a similar plane of existence, rather than something way further removed.

Reposting some picspams that i posted to tumblr, so apologies if you've seen these before. This all started with my love of Lost's few references to The Shining, and then... i dunno, it snowballed. I kept finding caps that totally matched! For each movie i found way more similarities than i even expected to! Although i don't think finding parallels is really that difficult; if you look hard enough and if the subject matter is similar enough, you can probably always find something by sheer coincidence. But anyway ever since i did it for Doctor Who i have found that i greatly enjoy matching up screencaps, it's so oddly satisfying. Basically i just always love to have things match, it soothes my perfectionist compulsions.

The Shining

Well, you know, Doc, when something happens, it can leave a trace of itself behind. Say like, if someone burns toast. Well, maybe things that happen leave other kinds of traces behind. Not things that anyone can notice, but things that people who ‘shine’ can see. Just like they can see things that haven’t happened yet. Well, sometimes they can see things that happened a long time ago.

In hindsight i wish i had included Miles finding the dead body in the apartment when he was a kid, but none of the caps really correlated with Danny and Room 237. They match thematically, though! PSYCHIC-POWERED LITTLE KIDS AND DEAD PEOPLE.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Dr. Jones, surely you don’t think you can escape from this island?

Jurassic Park

I was overwhelmed by the power of this place - but I made a mistake, too. I didn’t have enough respect for that power and it’s out now. The only thing that matters now are the people we love.

I almost didn't include the picture of the cups because in still form without the context of the scene it seems like bullshit, but the juice glass really is shaking! Because Ben just released Smokey! (in 4x09 The Shape of Things to Come) SO IT IS AN APT COMPARISON FOR REAL, I AIN'T LYIN'.

Back to the Future

DOC: I’ve had enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, Future Boy!
MARTY: No, wait! Doc. Doc. The bruise-the bruise on your head. I know how that happened! You told me the whole story. You were standing on your toilet, and you were hanging a clock, and you fell, and you hit your head on the sink. And that’s when you came up with the idea for the Flux Capacitor... which... is what makes time travel possible.

DANIEL: Wha-what kind of a prank is that? Huh, paradox. So uninspired.
DESMOND: Set your device to um... 2.342 and make sure it oscillates at eleven.
DANIEL: Okay, now you, you’re going to tell me who told you those numbers.
DESMOND: You did.

picspam, lost

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