we wanted to play but we had nothing left to play for

Jul 09, 2010 00:46

I'm sorry i haven't responded to comments in a while, i feel like an asshole. Despite my dogged resistance to abandoning LJ, i am a terrible LJ friend. :( Internet shyness strikes again!

I tend to not give a shit about award shows because they're just so frustratingly arbitrary and going down that road only leads to outrage and heartbreak, but Emmy nominations: i have some opinions!

Best Drama: TRUE BLOOD?!?!?!?!?!!?!??? Listen, i am entertained by True Blood. It's a good summer time-waster. But BEST DRAMA ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING. WHAT IS ANYTHING. Dexter has gotten pretty stale to me. I keep hearing excellent things about The Good Wife, and i'm sure it's great, but i can't get past the fact that i have less than zero desire to watch it (lawyer shows and cop shows are at the top of my list of things that i irrationally fucking hate. i only exclude doctor shows because there are actually doctor shows i have enjoyed at one time or another, but i hate the vast majority of those too.) (then again, this is also how i felt about Friday Night Lights before i watched it. football?! who the fuck wants to watch a show about football?!?? ...oh nevermind it's fantastic. egg on my face!) ANYWAY. Mad Men and Breaking Bad, obviously. I actually kind of hope Mad Men doesn't win even though it is brilliant and i love it, simply because several years in a row gets SO BORING, no matter how good the show/actor/whatever is. When you repeat that many times it just starts to seem like no actual consideration goes into it, like oh, perfunctorily give it to this one that everybody says is amazing. And then there is Lost! I have never really thought Lost objectively holds up as a "Best Drama", and certainly not against shows like Mad Men and Breaking Bad, but NONETHELESS it would make me insanely happy -- for purely sentimental reasons -- to see it win. And i think recent seasons deserve the award more than season one, when it actually did win. But really, as if there wasn't enough Lost backlash already, having it win Best Drama would only piss people off more. Which would not make me happy. Yet seeing everyone on stage accepting the award WOULD make me happy! SO HAPPY. So it's a toss-up -- my heart wants it to win but my brain thinks it should lose. :[

NO COMMUNITY?! But... but... Modern Warfare deserves ALL THE AWARDS. :( Basically i am dumbfounded that 30 Rock and The Office got nominated YET AGAIN when they are both at their weakest, while Community and Parks & Rec got snubbed when they are infinitely stronger shows right now. At least Amy Poehler got nominated. AT LEAST. But i would have gladly swapped out those Glee and Two and a Half Men (?!?!?!!!!!) cast nominations for LITERALLY ANYONE from Community or Parks & Rec (NICK OFFERMAN AND CHRIS PRATT, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO). I love Modern Family, though, so at least that got a ton of nominations.

Matthew Fox!!! Awww. That guy! He has had a pretty thankless job for the entire run of Lost, so good for him. Season 6 Jack is the best Jack. Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson! In a choice between the two, O'Quinn wins hands down for this season. Emerson is awesome, obvs, but i feel like Ben didn't have a whole lot to do, whereas there were so friggin many Locke scenes where i was like "damn, he is really selling it. DAMN, TERRY O'QUINN. DAMN." And Elizabeth Mitchell as guest star! It seems kind of silly to see her nominated in that category when she used to be a full-fledged cast member, and for like one scene in the finale... but it was one REALLY GREAT scene. :*)

Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton!!!!!! I really terribly need to catch up on FNL!!! I can't belieeeeeeve this is the first significant Emmy recognition FNL has ever gotten. That is a sign you know the system is absolutely fucked.

H. Jon Benjamin!!!!!!!!!!! I have not yet watched Archer, but his voice is the GREATEST EVER. Home Movies <33333

Variety, Music, or Comedy Series: The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. I AM BOTH HAPPY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME. I'm pissed there's no Craig Ferguson; The Late Late Show is the only late night show i watch with any regularity anymore, i love it. Instead they nominated... Bill Maher?! Ugh. UGH.

Monk?!? That's STILL ON? You know, there was a time when i watched that show. Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Also, i do not watch Glee, but basically everything i have read about it seems to indicate that it is offensively terrible and a travesty to the medium of television. So, uh, good job, Academy? Love those popularity contests!
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