my stories

Feb 05, 2010 00:05



I was all ecstatic about Jeff/Britta BUDDYTIMES because oh god i totally ship it now, and then... then there was the GROUP CONFRONTATION about how none of them can be a family because weird sexual tension makes everything incestuous and it was like they were talking directly to fandom and everything was perfect and i was dying. Troy/Abed! Troy/Annie! Troy/Britta! Jeff/Britta <333 ANNIE/BRITTA <33333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeff/Annie wtffffffff OH I SEE, SHOW, SO THAT'S HOW IT'S GONNA BE. Iiiiiiiii did not expect Jeff/Annie debate makeout issues to resurface outside of fanfic :O OH MY GOSH WHAT THE WHAAAAAAAAT

There may have been other things happening but i totally forgot them. BECAUSE MULTI-SHIPPING


Just so we're clear, this Jeff/Britta fic by cereal is what fully solidified my shippy feelings and i haven't been able to get it out of my head since. Friiiiiiig. ♥___♥

Parks & Rec

Leslie basically being mom to Ron was so adorable and perfect. Their relationship of Leslie being totally overenthusiastically loyal and honorable and guileless and Ron being annoyed by her yet begrudgingly respecting her and secretly caring about and sticking up for her is so... i dunno, familial in such an honest way. I love how this show pulls off totally sincere stuff while still being hilarious and without being corny. It's MAGIC!



The Office

Well... at least they ruined David Wallace in the same way they ruined Jan?? It was weirdly slightly depressing to see him like that, although still funny.

Jim and Pam at the daycare center was pretty hilarious, in large part because it almost reached UK Office levels of massively uncomfortable awkwardness.

I have to mention, even though the last episode was a CRUMMY CLIP SHOW (ugggghhhhhhh), it had one redeeming factor: Dwight as Computron. I laughed foreeeeeever, omg i love computers becoming self-aware EVEN WHEN IT'S FAKE.


From the AV Club review of the premiere:

As I wrote in my pre-season post, Lost has become a story about stories, and about heroes in stories, and how and why we respond to them. On that count, splitting the characters into alternate realities is an exciting continuation of a structural experiment. Let me ask you all, point blank: Do you care about the Alterna-815ers? Do you think of their story as the real story, or do you think of those exhausted jumpsuited folks running around in the dark as the “real” characters? That’s going to be something to keep an eye on as the series plays out, because perhaps the worst thing that could happen to Lost is for the viewers to start to get the sense that there are no real stakes: that anyone who dies can be reborn, and that we’re supposed to be deeply invested in the ultimate fate of people who may look and act like our heroes, but really aren’t.

ashgdfkjfla YES. THIIIIIIIIS. As i said in my last post, Sayid's death was strangely unaffecting in part because we now have a whole other universe where everyone is alive. But as i thought more about it, it dawned on me those aren't the characters we know. (as i commented to spectralbovine, it especially stood out to me in the baggage claim scene between Jack and Locke. Even though we know it's happening, it's so off from what we're familiar with that it still seems like a hypothetical.) This also ties into Fringe very neatly, wherein a parallel universe not only exists, but is actively seeking war with the universe in which our story is set. A character dying and being replaced with his alternate is a huge linchpin of that show. As great a safety net as it may seem to have multiples of the same person, ultimately they aren't the same at all. Reconciling that fact is a messy affair.

lost, community, fringe, the office, parks & recreation

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