goodnight, puny human!

Jan 18, 2010 02:33


Jeff as Hawkeye = <3333333333333

Ever since the debate episode i have had feelings about Jeff/Annie. Confused feelings. "Annie's pretty young, we try not to sexualize her." Yeah, Jeff Winger. Yeah.

(seriously though, the kissing, IT DID STRANGE THINGS TO ME and now i don't know what to believe. he is so tall and she is so tiny and that is always a dangerous combination for me. ergggh, tall dudes.)

(Jeff has already been kissed by both Britta and Annie, lol. IS SHIRLEY NEXT?!?! or maybe Pierce wanting to experiment in college. Dean Pelton would obviously be into it. EVERYBODY KISS JEFF!!! asfhdsfg)

Jack Black was soooooo Jack Black but i'm pretty sure that was entirely on purpose. And oh man, Pierce's t-shirts. "Man Candy" = A++++++++++++

Parks & Rec


That was such a perfect development and yet something that hadn't crossed my mind at all until it happened. I LOVE STUFF LIKE THAT.


30 Rock

"I'm the actor James Franco, dammit, and i'm in love with and common-law married to a Japanese body pillow!"

I just want to say that i actually really liked the Liz/Danny thing (i like Danny! his endearing normalcy is so out of place!) but i was completely thrown by it coming out of NOWHERE and then ending just as quickly. Having it sprung on the audience as a surprise was so weird because the show has always been primarily from Liz's perspective, and to not be privy to that was... jarring. And i guess a lot of it also has to do with Liz no longer being as relatable as she once was.

Then again, she still says things like this: "Look at me in the black light! It's TRON! Watch out Sark, it's me, Flynn!" BEST PART.

Hey, i got a tumblr! I had been reluctant to acquire YET ANOTHER BLOG THING, but since tumblr is mostly picture-based it is ideally suited to me. Plus i am always saving random pictures and editing random pictures and then ending up with nowhere to put them, so it makes sense to... have a place to put them. And now i figured i probably ought to tell somebody about it rather than simply sharing things with a void.

community, parks & recreation, 30 rock

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