I finally saw The Dark Knight in IMAX over the weekend. Holy shit, i am so glad that exists. I feel like i didn't even pay enough attention to the movie itself i was so wrapped up in the visuals. Just the first shot alone on that full screen, it was awe-inspiring. Not even to mention the Watchmen trailer (the only trailer they showed! and the only important one TO show!) OH MAN SIZE REALLY DOES MATTER. Amazing. <3333333333 Also i think it says something about this movie that at 3:00 on a Sunday afternoon three weeks after its release, the theatre was COMPLETELY FULL. Of course i'd expect it to do better in IMAX for longer just because that's a more unique-to-the-theatre offering, but honestly. It was packed. What.
I stole a TDK meme from
peopleareshapes. Thanks for carrying the Batman torch, Jenn! You complete me.
1. Should they bring back Joker?
Yes and no. Yes because he's awesome and i'm so glad they didn't kill him off because he has to stick around forever, no because recasting that part is gonna SUCK and they played it so perfectly in this movie i don't know how they could take it in a new direction. Hmm.
2. Rachel dying. Good/Bad?
A... little of both? (HAHA i am going to split my answers on ALL OF THESE.) On the one hand i like that it was unexpected at the time even though i figured she would die eventually. (being newly created for the movies, i get the feeling she was essentially always going to be a sacrificial lamb.) I like that she knew Bruce would save her and she didn't want Harvey to get shafted, and i [sometimes] like when things don't cop out of killing major characters. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND. It still boils down to being just another case of Women in Refrigerators, which is disheartening considering this movie was so many steps ahead of business as usual in pretty much every other respect. Oh look, another chick dying so a bunch of dudes can angst over the loss of a love interest. :| :| :| The better twist though is that she chose Harvey in the end, it makes me respect her character a lot more. IN CONCLUSION, PLZ DO SOMETHING BETTER WITH GIRLS, BATMOVIES. (*COUGH* CATWOMAN *COUGH HACK CHOKE*)
3. Two Face dying. Good/Bad?
I was disappointed that he was killed off so soon, because i figured Joker and Two Face, they're both big deals and they'd both make it through this movie to wreak more havoc in the future. But at the same time his arc was so complete and thematically it was essential for him to die for the conclusion of the movie to work. So. Both. Neither. I dunno.
4. What'd you think of Heath's performance?
Amazing, obvs. He IS the Joker, no two ways about it.
5. Who will be the next villain?
IDK MY BFF CATWOMAN? I don't really think of her as a villain in the strictest sense, but she is a criminal! I would ALSO very much enjoy seeing Harley Quinn. <3 Okay that's just who i want, not exactly "WILL be the next villain", but they're both logical choices.
6. Will there be a third installment?
WHY WOULD THERE NOT BE A THIRD INSTALLMENT, I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE IN A WORLD THAT WOULD ALLOW SUCH A THING TO HAPPEN. I want there to be a bajillion installments. I want a Batfamily not played by Chris O'Donnell and Alicia Silverstone, and it is going to take a thousand years to get there because Babs is like three years old right now. :( :( :(
7. Petty discussion: Batman's voice changing. Like it, deal with it, or hate it?
Haha, i mentioned this before, i don't like it but i pretty much just deal with it, and it didn't even bother me quite as much upon rewatch (i guess knowing to expect it helps). It's lame and kind of annoying, but it's also essential for him to be in disguise. It's not like he can just go around sounding like "Hey guys, Bruce Wayne here! I know i'm famous but just pretend you don't recognize what i sound like from the tv! Thanks everyone, YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD BATMAN" Whaaaatever. We have to have something to make fun of about these movies, am i right!
8. Batman vs. Iron Man now? Take it however you like. Whether characters, alter egos, franchises, etc.
Oh obsessive lonely billionaires with guilt complexes and fancy gadgets, <33333333333 Tony is way smarter than Bruce though, and Bruce takes himself way more seriously than Tony. I just want them to hang out, man, for realz. JARVIS AND ALFRED. @!*%#$!& Alfred would be like "wtf is this thing" and Jarvis would be like "i am so much better than you" and Alfred would be like "well at least i'm CORPOREAL".
Okay two more things to reiterate about the movie: 1) I <3 seeing Scarecrow again, Cillian is purdy. 2) Gordon is the man. I just... Gary Oldman. So perfect. I love his FACE and his HAIR and his MUSTACHE and his GLASSES, especially his glasses, and when he comes back from the dead with a gun to the Joker as a total badass. Oh okay and another thing, i don't want Lucius to quit. WHERE WILL BATMAN GET HIS WONDERFUL TOYS? Certainly not from someone who wears bowties so stylishly. :( OH ONE MORE THING. Bruce's motorcyle look: A+++++++
BTW i love seeing those Olympic Visa commercials narrated by Morgan Freeman after seeing the movie again, it just makes me think of Batman GOING FOR THE GOLD. Seriously can you imagine: giant batsuit doing fuckin pole vault or some shit. Diving. Pommel horse. EPIC. :D
ICONS: Batman, Watchmen, and High School Musical.
Batman Begins / The Dark Knight
High School Musical
Christian Bale
29. Batman Returns
30. Raiders of the Lost Ark
31. Iron Man
32. Paul McCartney and John Lennon
33. David Tennant
34. Olga Korbut (old school Olympics, what what!)
35. Nastia Liukin
Re: High School Musical - i'd been wanting to see this for forever! I enjoy both musicals AND adorable cheesy things aimed at kids and teens! So with the third movie coming out IN THEATRES (i am still very impressed by that!) and also having to make what is basically silly HSM fanart for work the past week and a half, i finally remembered to make an effort to see it. And truly i adored it. So much so that i may have, uh, watched it twice in two days. .......Maybe. I love things that are actually sincere in their message while being goofily funny at the same time. (FAMILY SITCOMS <3) I didn't like the sequel as much as the first one, BUT it was also obviously higher budget and therefore prettier, so, win some, lose some. Oh man it had VISUAL EFFECTS. Troy's reflection in the water during his big solo was glorious. I love Kelsi. And Zeke! And RYAN! Also, most important of all: Zac Efron is SUPER dreamy. I mean i knew that before because i've seen Hairspray (<3) and also for some inexplicable reason we get a free subscription to Details at my work so i for sure saw
THIS, but gosh. Oh baby Simon Tam, i'll never be able to watch "Safe" the same way again.
And now the content of this post can only lead me to conclude that Bruce Wayne is going to do a song-and-dance number about how hard it is to be a superhero when everyone only wants him to be a billionaire playboy. He's alone but he ain't lonely. (Annnnnnnnnnd we've made it to NEWSIES. Batman has been in a teenaged Disney musical too, it all comes full circle!)
Here, have some scans of the new RDJ Rolling Stone! Their oversize layout is a complete pain in the ass to scan so i didn't do the article, but hot pictures = more important. Of course i'm sure somebody else has already put these online so all my work was superfluous, but... hi-res RDJ. I JUST FELT LIKE IT.
OKAY I THINK THAT'S ALL. WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS ALL-AROUND TONIGHT, I'M SO EXCITED! I'M SO EXCITED! I'M SO... SCARED. The Olympics have been keeping me up waaaay too late every night and napping when i get home from work isn't quite enough to get me caught up on sleep. PHEW, it sure is exhausting sitting around watching other people physically exert themselves!