our hopes and expectations

Dec 02, 2007 23:12

I changed my lj header because i got sick of the last one about 0.2 seconds after i put it up. Apparently the only thing that motivates me to update things now is annoyance!

You may notice that there is a picture of the aurora in said header, but probably not because it's unrecognizably tiny. (...it's that green glowy thing in the middle. FROM SPACE) That happens to be a sort of reference to the fact that my current #1 really only thing making me fannishly excited right now is His Dark Materials. I have written a little about it in the ol' blorg. To sum up: I LOVE IT LOTS AND LOTS and i am halfway through The Subtle Knife (NO SPOILERS PLZ). I'm actually kind of glad i put off reading the books for so long because it has made me super super ridonkulously crazy excited for the movie, even if the movie ends up sucking, WHATEVER. It will at least be neat to see with my eyes! No matter how crappy movie adaptations of books are, they at least always have the 'seeing it for the first time!' aspect going for them.

Anywhooz. I'm trying to work on a drawing of Lyra, but here is a quick little piece of crapola sketch of what Mrs. Coulter technically should probably look like in my head!

art, his dark materials

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