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Comments 10

colorstoobright October 6 2007, 10:51:45 UTC
I was planning to watch 30 Rock later tonight and seeing your little blurb about it (and a mention of the Floydster!) made me all giddy and excited to watch thisveryinstant!


toastandtea October 6 2007, 20:06:27 UTC
I wish i had more to say about it! I don't, really! It's just awesome. As usual. :D

FLOYDSTER. I really wish he could come back, even if it's just for one episode. How hard would it be for Sudeikis to guest star? NOT THAT HARD. Whatever, Cleveland.


colorstoobright October 6 2007, 23:51:23 UTC
I think he will though, after watching this episode (which, by the way, was !!!!!!!!!!!AWESOME. MILF Island, oh MAN.), to mess with Liz or something. Or just to be there and be awesomely cute, I don't know. I JUST WANT HIM BACK, MARINA. :(


bellanut October 6 2007, 15:02:26 UTC
Who DOES that?

I still have trouble believing people who totally accidentally killed someone who was totally after THEM ever actually do that. I WANT TO SEE SOME NATION WIDE STATISTICS, PLEASE.

This whole episode made me sad even when it made me happy.

Yeeess. Good summary. Everything was off, but, like, intentionally off. Maybe since they aren't the football underdogs any more they felt the need to put many of the characters in bad places so that they can be... their own underdogs?

I REALLY WANTED JULIE TO BE OKAY BEING AN OLD MARRIED PERSON AT 16, MARINA! I don't hate her for fighting against it, but I had really hoped she wouldn't. Silly girl. WHAT ABOUT THE SARACEN. Though watching Matt fight to win her back (SHE IS HIS NEW STATE!) could be hilarious and wonderful. As long as the re-find the magic at some point.

It feels weird that we got hardly any time with Tim and Smash and Jason, but i guess i'm also used to watching like four episodes in a row and seeing a lot of everybody.I know, right? I really it's just the ( ... )


toastandtea October 6 2007, 20:26:26 UTC

EXCEPT THAT IT'S A MYSTERY BECAUSE ALL THE BODIES ARE DISPOSED OF AND COVERED UP! There is probably an epidemic of covered-up self-defense killings that nooo oooone knoooows about. FNL is just bringing this average American problem to our attention, you see.

I AM SO SAD THAT JULIE DOESN'T WANT HER AND MATT TO BE THE NEXT COACH/MRS. COACH. UM, JULIE. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. I totally get where she's coming from and i agree with you, i don't hate her for feeling like that, but. Julie. MATT SARACEN. Sigh. They just... have to end up together. Doesn't the entire world ship Matt/Julie? COME ON!

I had a dream last night about Matt trying to win Julie back and her shutting him down a lot. It was pretty upsetting, i woke up feeling kind of bad. Frickin DREAMS. :/

There's almost nothing I hate more than a show where you barely even see certain characters for weeks upon weeks.Ugh, I KNOW. Lost, for one, is really bad about that. But everyone eventually gets their time to shine, i' ( ... )


scout27 October 6 2007, 20:56:38 UTC
Look at what happens after he's been gone! Mrs. Coach is sad and Matt and Julie are on the rocks and Tyra and Landry get rid of a dead body! THIS PLACE IS FALLING APART.YES YES YES! Why Coach...WHY DID YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS OF COLLEGE BALL?! Can you see that you are the president of Dillon, Texas?! The town can not survive without you ( ... )


toastandtea October 7 2007, 16:55:15 UTC
YESSSSS! I knew you could do it, Sarah! Once you start you can't stop. FNL is like Pringles.

and then she had to stand outside the convenient store alone...at night...on that SAME DAY. WHY TYRA WHY? If I were her, I wouldn't be alone anywhere...ever.

I know, right! Even if you're not paying, YOU STILL GO IN THE CONVENIENCE STORE WITH YOUR FRIEND. Why would you wait around alone outside? If you're already heading into the store, you go in even if it's just to talk and help carry stuff or WHATEVER. And that's even if you're NOT being stalked! GAH. STUPID.

I have to say thoug, I do trust that they'll work out out so it's totally not the lamest, ratings hungry plot of all time.I hope you're right too. They've dealt with some pretty cliche plots in the past and somehow made them into something more than that. It's just... hiding a body is into some really unbelievable plot territory. HOW DOES THAT RELATE TO REAL LIFE AT ALL??? It is so out of left-field as something i never, ever expected to see on a realistic small-town drama like this ( ... )


scout27 October 7 2007, 23:27:20 UTC
OH my gosh...you're right! Babies can't help it if they're ugly! I'm a terrible person!!!!! I should be flogged for saying that!

You are so totally right...it's the whole small town drama thing. I mean, can you imagine Ephram Brown killing someone? I thought it was far enough out in left field that he got Madison pregnant, but this is just so far over that line you can't even see it! Oh well...I'm in it for the long haul...I hope we don't get our hearts broken Marina...that would suck! I hate it when TV shows break my heart...like Alias did. Damn you JJ, damn you...


frenemy October 7 2007, 02:08:30 UTC
<3 30rock.
you should watch this if you haven't yet:


silver_venus42 October 9 2007, 03:44:30 UTC
Would you mind if I friended you? I just found some of your icons (that I love) and we have lots in common...


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