Oct 31, 2007 20:42
the past few days have been kinda shitty but at the same time wierd. actually the past month has been pretty wierd. so i moved outta my moms house cuz i got fed up with all the bullshit that her and my stepdad were putting me through. i didnt talk to my mom and my stepdad for three days, till my stepdad finds me at jennifers house. he mad me decide between comin home or not. so i chose not to. i moved into jennifers house (my gf) and things go alright till her mom and retarted sister decide to take me for granted. they basically were wanting to use my car almost everyday, or at least every weekend. and if i didnt do that then i basically couldnt stay at the house. both jennifer and i both think that was fucked up for them to do that but there really wasnt anything we could do so we decided for me to move up to fresno with my dad, at least till i got a job and place to live in. then jennifer would be able to move in. ever since i moved in with my dad, things have been a little stressing on us. both jennifer and i r missing each other alot. im going nuts not bein able to see or touch jennifer. my dad is goin nuts too he has no clue what to do, hes constantly wonderin the house tryin to talk to me, tryin to relate things to me, he cracks me up when i see him asleep cuz he talks when he sleep and for bout an hr or so b4 writing and during the whole time ive been writing this, my dad has been talkin to himself and its getting me kinda worried. well thats all for now