Feb 03, 2005 20:19
nothing to say, but i feel the urge of updating, so here it goes folks
people are fake, some aren't, but my statement stands!
people confuse me and i can't read ANYONE
i like when things are simple i think, i don't know what the hell i'm talking about i just wanted to add some lines, i actaully wrote these lines at the end but put them up top damnit :(
i luv fastfood and pizza and hamburgers, mmm its so good, and i LOVE all you can eat buffets, the food isn't even that great, but its so AWSOME
chocolate milk is tasty tasty tasty i say!
i try to be funny on lj, but i can't, my humor isn't ment for lj, its lost in the typing, so sad, thats all i got, and i lost it :(
i have this law class, crazy work load, and well we need groups of 4, one guy leaves our group to join another group (teachers request) and then one of our members drops the class, so its me and another dude, who is a tit and does basically nothing to its basically me, i feel like i have to babysit the kid and he frustrates the hell outta me.
So i told the prof that she better find some other way (breaking us up and putting us each in a group of 4 sounds like an easy solution) but she doens't like that idea, anyways i'm dropping the class if she doesn't fix it, cause untill like next wensday there is no penalty so whatev (i'll pick up an online class)
ok here is something
I get the bus everyday and well there are some things i notice and hate. I go to catch my bus (generally early) and as i'm standing and waiting more people gradually show up and so u would think, i was here first, i go on first and such (normal rules of society, similar to these things called lines). BUT NO, bus people are different and are just f'ing rude and shit. They show up and assume that for some reason unknown to me, they just got there and i have been waiting for perhaps 10-20 mins and they can just go right in front of me and get on. If it is like an old person sure thats fine, i'm not an asshole, but when its some little punk or just a normal aged person, it pisses me off. It happens everyday, i just kinda give them weird looks cause i'm too nice and hate confrontation to actauly say anything, and really its not a big deal, but still, its just the whole principle. I always let old people, woman, children on before me anyways, why must they but!!!!
i like making these really long, i only update so often, so i figure i'll put a ton of words in it, really its nothing, just words (that was so deep)
i like to think of "deep" sayings on the bus, its kinda fun, and try to think if people would actaully get that message outta the saying, i don't know if they do, but i do, and its my saying
trying to think of something to write, i got nothing...hold on give me a few more seconds...
i missed the bus twice today while waiting for it at PU76 (btw since i left that place has went to hell)
it used to be such a happy place full of fun and love, now its a place of depression, like the actaul inside of the place appears to be darker, such a sad thing really
food is like entertainment, i really wonder how often when i'm eating i am actaully "hungry" and not just kinda bored so i feel i'll eat, its kinda sick/sad, i'm really happy my motabolism (spelling?) is quite good