(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 21:53

I spell bad, and i rush when i type, if i made a mistake please ignore it
Thanks, now continue reading

CHRIS LEBLANC. I haven't given you guys anything to read in quite some time (i'm sure u were all anxiously waiting).
Just a quick update, I got to see Saosin play in maine, 7 bands played, 3 locals, 2 of the local bands were quite good, other was brutal, anyways who cares about other bands, saosin was awsome, it was quite a good time, mind u i was alone which took away a bit, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

Umm beep pop the little bird, cause you can't stop the thunder from coming down, isn't it easy to wonder if it will ever be, just try it and see

I was on the work term with GMAC, boring, but people were allright, so all around good times and my supervisor was hot and cool, which increased enjoyment somewhat.

I like to play a game on the bus where i guess which school people are going to. That flux school in bedford is the easiest by far, if you go there skip this part :)
People that go there (from my observation) tend to be dirtier than the average bus rider, and tend to favor such articles of clothing sold at stiches. Not saying stiches isn't hot, but they just like them, and thats cool yo, different strokes for different folks, they are generally loud too, cause ghetto kids like to be loud, i don't know why, they just do, its one of those facts

SMU girls are pretty easy too, cause they are the one's who are dressed to go DT. Mount girls generally are kinda "unique" or just VERY casual. DAL girls are hard to guess, u get a bit of everything with them, they are more your "average joe" type look, tough to pick out, if you pick these one's out you konw ur good

The boys are a little tougher, Mount boys generally look gay, and generally are gay...so thats not too bad, they wear man bags and shit (nothing against those, if thats what you like thats coo) SMU guys are generally ghetto or look like they are from the latest backstreet boy video, quite cute really. DAL guys are similar to DAL girls, bit of everything "average joe" look.

Now i'm back to DAL. I have decided that I have made a wrong selection in schools, I HATE DAL. DAL deffinately isn't the place for me, but i'm too far in to go back now, so whatev. Basically I think i am a lot better suited for a small university, its more my style, and my personality would shine yet i pick this huge ghetto schoool (but it looks good on resumes i hear, so thats coo). Also Commerce (espicically finance, my major) has a huge lack of girls (not that big a deal, whatev u know) but the guys it has all think they are hot shit, I swear they are all the rich kids from ontario just waiting to take over their parents business'. So i look around my finance classes and generally there isn't a single kid I think i would enjoy talking to, so i don't....so thats cool :) Oh the co-op office sucks too
So yah i don't like dal, nothing against the place, its great for some, deffinately not for me, wish i realized this perhaps 1st term, but its not a huge deal, i just go to class and leave

Here is where we both feel wrong, Tonight's your last chance to, Do exactly what you want to, And this could be my night

Umm yah basiclaly this is probably my worst LJ post ever, they seem to get worse and worse, i question why i do them (keltie forced me sorry guys)
I appoligize for this, i am trying to think of ways to make it "cool", no idea's coming to my head
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