1.) Would you rather have to have sex with your partner with a room full of your former highschool classmates watching or have sex with your partener in a room full with a mix of each of your former exes watching?
I gfuess neither's not an option. Highschool classmates, so they could who I ended up with and I am hold it over their heads 'til they all die.
2.) Be honest. Have you ever stolen anything before?
Yeah. Slums.
3.) Would it be more awkward to be walked in on during sex by your parents or your children?
Uh. I don't know, never had much of a problem with either. Parents, I guess.
4.) How comfortable would you be at a nude beach? Would you keep your clothes on, keep it modest or bare it all?
Me? At a nude beach? You're shitting me, right?
5.) Where is a place that seems fun and sexy to get it on at but in reality probably wouldn't work out very well?
At the office.
6.) Do you have sex less in the summer because of the hot temperatures?
Nah. It's called air conditioning.
7.) In the middle of foreplay, your partner asks if you want to try something new. You ask what it is. They want to stick some kind of frozen fruit or vegetable up your anus. How open to trying this are you?
What the hell? Not happening.
8.) If a talking (insert your name here) doll were made, what are THREE phrases it would say?
"Deadline!", "Don't call me Chief!", and "Yes, dear."
9.) When you have a naughty dream, most often is it usually your partner in the dream with you or someone else?
It's always my partner.
10.) What is your favorite way to relax after sex?
There. Never doing that again.