Putting this into a separate entry (summarized for lack of time (catching a flight in a few hours)):
Higashiyama Noriyuki
Higashi had a press conference after the first day of his play "Saraba Waga ai..." on the 9th. Sent congratulations to Yamaguchi. He sees TOKIO as his closest younger brothers, especially since Yamaguchi, Taichi and Matsuoka were living at his place for a while. He hopes Yamaguchi's marriage and the birth of his child will be a positive influence on Yamaguchi and TOKIO. He expressed a bit of feigned sadness that another one of his younger brothers has mercilessly left him behind. When asked if he would be marrying soon, he replied "maybe when my unlucky year passes. Next year?" (I'm pretty sure he's just messing with the media like always In his play, he portrays a Chinese onnagata (man performing a woman's role) who is in love with his older brother. Even has a kiss scene in it. Jokingly said that putting on lipstick feels great and that he might have realized something. And also said that the only person he's kissed lately is the other actor. (^_^) Source:
Daily SportsRandom extra bit: Higashi was dating Uchiyama Rina for two years but they broke up last fall. Totally did not know that. Source:
Sanspo Tsunku
Tsuku sent his congratulations in his blog. While TOKIO and SharanQ (Tsunku's old band) debuted around the same time, TOKIO continues to be a fresh, yet manly band. He wished Tatsuya happiness and and a cool band life.
Tsunku's blog