Who: Fran + YOU
Where: The Officers' Mess
What: Lunch
A few shifts into her new posting, Fran felt she was getting the hang of life aboard the Enterprise and starting to make herself at home. She hadn't blown anything up, caused a crisis of any sort, or gotten herself lost. She counted that as a win
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Hikaru looked up from his chicken and noticed a smiling lieutenant with bright red hair-the reddest hair he'd ever seen-approaching his table. He returned her friendly smile in his customary fashion. However, when she spoke, her distinct Irish accent made Hikaru flinch inside.
"Yeah, um, sure," he said falteringly, hoping she didn't notice his change in demeanor. He knew logically that there were plenty of trustworthy Irish Starfleet officers (they couldn't all be terrorists), but for an irrational, fearful moment, he was back on Deck 18, facing off with Boyle.
"I'm so sorry-I'm being rude. It's been a weird couple of weeks, and you just...caught me off guard," he apologized, adding with a smile, "I'm Hikaru Sulu."
Turning back to his meal, he continued, "So you work in engineering, right?" he asked, guessing from her red uniform and the fact that security crew always sat together in the mess.
"Helmsman," he replied, wiping his mouth. There was no graceful way to eat fried chicken. "And I also run the botany lab. So if you ever need flowers for some reason, you know where to go!"
Hikaru warily watched her as she apparently unhinged her jaw to attack the huge sandwich. He was expecting its contents to fall apart in her hands or come flying out across the table at him, but she wrangled the stack of food very impressively. She's like a female Chekov...
"Oh yes, flowers and fresh fruit and vegetables..." He trailed off as she began sopping up some of the drippings from the Tower of Breakfast she was eating. He was amused; somehow mentions of fruit and vegetables just seemed out of place.
"Did...did you invent that sandwich yourself? I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before."
"But in all seriousness," he continued, "that's an impressive sandwich. I would swear on that sandwich. It seems like a fine way to eat breakfast...you know, in a tower. A Tower of Breakfast."
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Fran. I look forward to seeing what other sandwich creations you'll come up with!"
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