May 11, 2010 12:13
Nashville was STRONGLY URGED to limit water use, since the whole place was running on one functioning treatment facility. Well, that seems to have been lifted.
My laundry hamper is putting off toxic fumes, I swear it. I thought I smelled cold french fries. We haven't eaten fries, so I don't even know what the hell. Also, not showering has been a bragging point. "You haven't showered in 4 days? I haven't in 7, bitch! I WIN."
I'm insane with glee about laundry. I'm not going to do all of it, because my laundry alone would shut the city down. For some reason, everyone walking around in a Pig Pen funk cloud is hilarious to me. I'm proud of everyone I know for being greasy grimy gopher guts for the greater good. I dare you to make a sentence using the letter G more than I just did.
BTW, FEMA is actually contacting people back. A Facebook friend posted that they called him a couple days ago at 9pm. Good to know. They also contacted the boss. Appears low interest loans are being offered for small business owners. Sure, I'd rather the Small Business Fairy put a check under my pillow, but whatever.
Time to dive in.
me me me,
happy happy joy joy,
fucking weather