There Be Raydors and Flynns Here Part 2

May 24, 2011 22:06


Pt 2

Mel sighed as she glanced over at her fiancée and his father.  Her mother was late.  She had talked to Sharon earlier today, and she had been excited about meeting Mel’s “new” boyfriend. However, now her mother was about fifteen minutes late. For the average person this wasn’t a big deal but Sharon Raydor was almost paranoid about punctuality.

“If you’ll excuse me,” she said hoping to get to the lady’s room and call her mother.

Both men nodded and Mel went to stand only to see her mother breeze through the door.

Mel moved quickly to the front door to find out what was going on and to make sure her mother was as calm as possible so she didn’t explode when she saww Andy Flynn sitting at their table.

“Mom,” Mel said gaining her mother’s attention.

Sharon looked over and smiled. “Sorry I’m late. Charlotte called as I was trying to get ready.”

“Everything ok?”

“Yes, it looks like David is being transferred to Quantico.”

Mel grimanced at the thought of her sister and brother-in-law being transferred to the east coast.

Sharon smiled at the youngest of her twin girls.  “It will be fine, Mel, this is life.  You and Charlotte are going to have to get use to not seeing one another all the time.  When you get married….”  Sharon trailed off from what she was saying when she spotted a familiar form.  “Shit…” she mumbled and Mel looked at her mother.

Sharon sighed, “Sorry, it’s just the man over at that table is…”

Mel sighed and jumped in, “Andy Flynn.”

Sharon stopped walking to glance at her daughter.

“Mom, I need you to remember that you’ve always said my happiness was first and foremost.”

Sharon frowned. “Mel, I want nothing more than for each of my children to be happy but I don’t see what that has to do with Andy Flynn.”

“You will,” Mel whispered gently touching her mother’s elbow and guiding her over to the table that Flynn and his son sat at.

By the time they got to the table Sharon had a sinking feeling in her stomach and when Mel stopped at the table Sharon froze in her spot.

Andy Flynn had been enjoying a nice conversation with his son when he saw Mel return to the table, but his world tilted when he looked and saw none other than Sharon Raydor standing next to Mel.

Anthony Flynn sighed at the look on both his father’s and Mel’s mother’s faces; standing he moved next to Mel.

“Dad I want to formally introduce you to my fiancé, Mel Raydor.”

Mel smiled and glanced at her mother, “Mom, I want to introduce you to my future husband Anthony Flynn.” After finishing both Mel and Tony found themselves holding their breath.

The reaction was instant, swift and remarkable in synch.

“Shit,” Flynn said.

“I need a drink,” Sharon said sinking into her chair.

The waiter that had been standing next to Sharon smiled. “What would you like ma’am?”

“Right now I need a vodka rocks but if you’ll follow that up with the wine list I’d really appreciate it.” Sharon said then reached for the waiter’s arm as her eyes locked with Flynn’s.

“Wait,” she said.

“No,” Flynn replied, “bring the lady her drinks.”

The waiter nodded and looked at Flynn, “Anything for you sir?”

“No,” Andy said finally taking his eyes off Sharon.

The waiter disappeared attempting to give the older couple at the table a chance to regroup from the apparent shock they had just been given.

After the waiter left Tony helped Mel into her chair and then took his seat.

“Dad, Ms. Raydor, Mel and I have been dating for a little over a year now and…”

“A year?” Sharon echoed in a high voice then calmed a little as Flynn placed a gentle hand on her forearm.

Tony gulped realizing that he hadn’t started out very well with his future mother-in-law.

Mel picked up, “Yes mother, a year, and yes I know that it upsets you that I haven’t said anything to you.  However, I knew that you and Mr. Flynn didn’t get along and we wanted to make sure that this was for keeps before we mentioned it to either of you.”

Sharon sighed then took a deeper breath. “Mel, my…feelings toward Andy Flynn are no excuse for not letting me know what’s going on in your life.”

Mel started to protest but stopped at her mother’s glare.

“Damn,” Tony mumbled as he got his first look at the Raydor glare.

“I have always been there for you and your siblings, and the fact that you might be dating the son of someone that I happen to butt heads with at work is no excuse for basically cutting me out of your life.”

Mel bowed her head at the first prickling of tears in her eyes.  Her mother was correct.  They had always been open and honest with each other, and the fact that such an important event had taken place without her having gotten her mother’s input on it suddenly hit home. And with it came the knowledge of just how badly she had hurt her mother.

“Ms. Raydor,” Tony started but as Mel he was brought up short by the look Sharon gave him.

“It truly saddens me that instead of this dinner being the happy occasion that it should be it is in fact one of the most….” Sharon stopped as she felt her own tears threatening.

It was strange that the comfort that came was once again from Andy Flynn.

“Anthony,” Flynn started, “You and I have never been close. And yes that has a lot to do with me and my issues.  But if you are going to make this work, and if you really love Mel, you are going to have to realize that not all families have the standoff approach that we have.”

Tony turned his head to face his father.

“Son, you are going to have to stop and think about how your decisions and keeping them from Sharon will affect her and Mel’s relationship.”

Sharon smiled softly, who knew that Andy Flynn of all people had a heart and could actually understand the bond that her and her daughters shared?

Mel finally looked up at her mother. “I know I’ve hurt you but I was honestly trying to keep from hurting you.  I didn’t want to cause you any more issues at work if this was just a passing phase.”

Sharon smiled softly, “Thank you for thinking of me but from now on let Flynn and me decide what will and will not affect us at work.”

Andy nodded, “What happens at work is between Sharon and me, and we will work extremely hard not to affect either of you with any of those issues.”

The waiter decided that this was a good time to return and set Sharon’s drink down along with a wine list.

“Is this your first time here?” He asked and then entered into his normal speech of how thing worked.  After he left Sharon nodded to Mel, letting her know that they could get up and go to the salad bar.

When Mel and Tony had left, Andy glanced at Sharon to see if she was ready to move to get a salad.

“You ready,” he finally asked her when she finished her drink.

She turned and smiled at him. “Thank you,” she said softly.

“Well considering we were both waylaid it was the least I could do.”

Sharon chuckled then cocked her head. “My drinking really doesn’t both you?”

Flynn smiled, “It doesn’t work that way with me.”

Sharon raised an eyebrow in question.

“I’ve been sober for fourteen years.  And I won’t lie to you when you said you needed a drink I was right there with you.  But, I know what it will turn me into and I don’t like that monster.”

Sharon tilted her head again. “It must take a special kind of person to be able to resist while others don’t.”

Flynn smiled, “Not really, like I said I know what I become and I don’t like it.”

Sharon nodded, “I don’t have to have any wine if it…”

“Have your wine Sharon. Just because it turns me into a monster doesn’t mean you have to not enjoy.”

Sharon nodded then moved to stand. Flynn was on his feet and helping Sharon to hers so that they could begin their dinner.

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