Bad dreams, Bad Realities

Dec 13, 2012 11:35

I woke up this morning angry with Apple! I thought myself half dreaming, half thinking about all that I had lost when MobileMe went away. I had made use of all that Apple had to offer its customers in the way web tools, ways of sharing information, and ways of storing important personal information

I realize that things change in the world and that is why I had never put much credence in storing of important data with Flickr or YouTube or any of the multitude of Cloud storage offerings that have sprung up in the last years.

But Apple! Surely we could put our trust in Apple! Alas, no. When they announced that MobileMe was going away and that there would be no replacement for the webpages and photo galleries I had created within the MobileMe infrastructure to share with my family and friends, I was shocked and angry. I had paid good money and spent a lot of time and effort to set up that stuff, and I would've been happy to continue to pay good money to keep it available to myself and my friends. Surely there would be some kind of grandfathering of the stuff, I thought to myself, right up until the very end. Alas again! No such luck. It doesn't make sense to me that Apple did this and I'm still haven't heard an explanation -- much less a good explanation -- of why they felt it necessary to betray their customers in this fashion.

Yes, I have been a fan of Apple for a long time. I don't think I've ever considered myself a fanboy, or superfan. I just appreciated the world Apple created and in which they had empowered me to be creative. When they took this world away, it left a very bad taste in my mouth for the company and for its vision.

I continue to use their products and their infrastructure because it is superior to anything else out there. But in future I hope they think twice about actions and policies that deprive their customers of the products and functionality upon which they become dependent.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

mobileme, apple, via ljapp

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