I just got back from a weeklong trip to Minnesota. It was time for my yearly medical exam, and I enjoyed seeing my doctor, Dr. Virant again. I left on a Sunday and returned on a Sunday, which is usually a good idea from the perspective of driving. The trip out was horrendous; I made the mistake of trying to drive through "the belly of the beast" i.e. downtown Chicago. and I also decided to make the trip in one day instead of stopping in Madison to spend the night with my friends Marlin and Kay. This was a huge mistake too.
The express lanes in Chicago were closed for repairs, so I ended up spending 2 1/2 hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic trying to get through downtown Chicago. This might not have happened if my satellite radio had been functioning properly and I could've gotten traffic information as I normally do. But for some reason none of the weather/traffic channels were working. At any rate, it took me over 15 hours to get to Stillwater and I was quite exhausted when I arrived. On the return trip I was smarter; I spent Saturday night in Madison with my friends, and then had a pleasant drive to Ontario on Sunday.
Last weekend, while I was driving from Minnesota to Ontario, was field day weekend, sponsored by the ARRL, the national amateur radio association of which I am a member. I tried to work a few stations, but decided that my peanut mobile signal was no competition to the big guns trying to make as many contacts as possible during the weekend. They say that field day is not a "contest," but it certainly sounds like one! I hope that next year I can actually participate as a normal field day operator. I used to do this when I was younger and it was fun. On the other hand I don't see myself sitting up all night batting mosquitoes and trying to stay awake working stations all around the world. perhaps, if there's mosquito netting!
During my sojourn at home - I should say, my old home! - I saw my mother a few times, saw my good friends Mike and Mary, Nelson and Brad, and Bill Lauer. Of course I stayed with Brian and Charleen. I am very grateful for their hospitality when I am in Stillwater. it makes visiting my old home a much more pleasant experience. I did a little shopping at the Mall of America, got some shoes, and elsewhere I picked up some shirts and a pair of trousers. I am no "clotheshorse," but Robbie insisted I get some new shoes, and I discovered I don't have any trousers that are not old and frayed. Most of my shirts are stained and stretched. I guess once in a while I have to break down and buy some!
While in the Madison area I noticed that the grass and weeds were brown and yellow. There hasn't been a decent rain there for quite some time. In Duluth, Minnesota there was a deluge while I was in Stillwater. Much of the area was badly damaged from excess runoff and flooding. It's hard to believe that there is such a disparity in weather over such a small geographic area. Stillwater has had plenty of rain and everything looks quite lush. Here in Woodstock we've also had enough moisture lately, although I think some people would like more. Fortunately we have a sprinkler system here at our house, so everything is doing quite well. Also, I water the potted plants and the tomatoes from our rain barrel collector. This was a brilliant idea, I wish Robbie had insisted on it sooner. It's also a good rain gauge, quite aside from sending us the expense of watering some of our plants.
It feels so good to be home again! In spite of all the expense and work that it takes to keep up this house, I do love it dearly! I've never quite so content as I am I'm sitting here on the front porch listening to my music and enjoying the fragrant breezes as is they blow through the neighbourhood. It really feels like a slice of heaven! And for this I'm very, very grateful!
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