I feel the urge to drop another note in my journal, to first apologize in advance for the fic-spamage that has and will come down the pike, and, second, to remind you that I won't be upset if you decide to wait until I finish a story to read it or comment on it.
One of the aftereffects of spending so many months on one fic (Pas de Deux) is that now I feel like it's August and I haven't gotten anything on my original fanfic list for the year done. Then I did the WIP meme...and now I'm stressed. LOL
So I kind of want to get everything started so I can at least feel that I've made forward progress in public. So you'll see index pages generated (cause I like to be organized, LOL) and chapters posted in bunches, and too frequently, and across too many different fics.
I'm also currently in the mood not to make my writing too complicated or dense, just to write whatever comes to mind so it can be finished (whether it'll be the best thing I've ever written or just passable), so I suspect the quality of what I'll produce this month will vary greatly, at least until I feel I've caught up.
I also don't feel like working with a beta, and that's not to disrespect readers, but I just don't feel like complicating my process. (I'm in a very "me and my feelings" mood, apparently, LOL) I read my stuff over and over and over and over, and I constantly edit. I catch many of my own typos and mistakes, but if you are reading along as I post chapters and see a mistake, please mention it. I would much rather fix a mistake than leave it to ruin someone else's read. Trust me, you won't offend me by pointing out a mistake, or telling me I used a wrong word, or simply saying you thought a sentence (or pov) was unclear.
Okay, that's it for the apologies. I expect if I get really annoying with the fic spamage, you'll just ::handwave:: put me on a no-read filter, or something. LOL I'm not trying to be an attention hog. I just want to feel like I'm moving forward as quickly as possible, you know?
So this is what you'll get, and I hope the number of stories all going simultaneously won't confuse everyone:
The Aleph
A World Without Memory
Heart of a Stone
All that is Still Possible
No Man's Fool
The re-write of A Certain Thought that Lingers
The as-yet unnamed Emperor Joker fic that I was supposed to write for
sasha_anu for Xmas
The promised Star Wars/DCU fic for