Not really sure what to post today. But I havn't posted in a while, so I think I should post something.
Hrmm... alrite, heres my life as it is now. Still looking for a job, I have no car, so its kinda hard to keep searching with no wheels, and the internet and phone just don't cut it. Going in person is the best way. So yeah, still jobless in the 'real job' category except for a website designer job interview on friday which rocks. On another note. I have lots of work doing websites... making good cash there, which is good. Heres the newest job I'm working on (press BACK, don't close it), unless I just type in some code to set the target and open it up in a _blank window... hrmm.. should work:
Click here! Success, no more pressing close and screwing yourself. I rule :)
Anyways... if you ever hear of the stand up comedian Pablo Francisco, look into him, hes hilarious. Found out about him from my cousin, Philly; been hanging out with him a lot... matt's never home. Makes me sad. I hang out with myself a lot. I've turned into a loser since I got back to Welland. Hrm... didn't see that one coming.. did you? Loser and Welland just seem to fit so nicley together... Pfft.. whatever. I'm getting bitter, so I'm going to stop talking about that.
My other new found buddy is Brandon Cook... yeah, our schedules seem to work well together so we've been hanging out and playing Zelda: Wakewalker on Gamecube, its an amazing game. Last night when I got outta the car, Cook had droped me back off at home, I was thinking of ags, the last thing I said was "Love ya," gee, I wonder if I miss her? heh.. yeah, that was an odd moment. I quickly gathered myself and explained it to Cook.
What else? Meh, that should suffice for now. See ya!
Edit: I added a new default picture, arn't we cute? :)