Oct 12, 2008 10:59
Ain't sure I can pick out simply one thing. I mean what I consider ta be the most embarrassin' doesn't mean everyone else I know is gonna pick that one too. I think bein' caught by Logan as I was on the way out the door ta go to one of the clinics was my most embarrassin'. I really wish no one knew that I had even thought about takin' the cure.
It's hard livin' without bein' able ta touch. No, that ain't true. I could touch someone. I just am afraid ta cause of what my power will do ta them. So a cure that would take that fear away was nice soundin'. I'll admit that. But I realized it wasn't really gonna take it all away.
This is part of who I am, this power of mine, an' even if'n it annoys the hell outta me sometimes it's somethin' I gotta learn ta deal with.
Still wish Logan hadn't caught me on my way ta go ta one of those places though.