#224. Mad

Apr 02, 2008 18:04

[ooc: In response to this.]

There was one rule growing up in the Darkholme household--well, besides the rarely obeyed 'Don't give Momma any sass'. It was a simple rule, one that really shouldn't be hard to adhere to: Never kill family. Oh sure, you could stab them, shoot them, put them in a damn coma but you were not allowed to kill them. Not permanently at least.

Which is why when Rogue heard from the news--NOT from Erik and certainly not from the killer (because oh yes, that's what Toad is to her now. A killer, John's killer)--that Pyro was dead she'd nearly torn the safe house apart. The only thing that had kept her from destroying the house had been poor Finn's piteous cry.

Erik hadn't bothered trying to console her and he sure as hell hadn't dared trying to explain why it was a "just" death--well, he had begun and ended up knocked through two walls for his effort. That silenced any further discussion.

Rogue didn't even bother excusing herself. She took the cat and flew off, leaving him to repair any structural damage she might have caused. She needed space and a secure internet connection. Mostly she just needed to distance herself from that man, from the death that seemed to always follow in his wake.

Twenty minutes later and she was hooked up to internet in some local cafe. The response she wrote was quick and precise. Hopefully it would show the others where she stood. She hit send and closed the laptop.

Now all that was left was to mourn the loss of the young man she'd lovingly called brother for far too many months. She was at a loss for exactly how to do that.

E-mail sent:

To: Luke, Lando
From: Vader

Subject: R2D2

Once I know where Toad is I'll message you.

You don't kill family.



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