10 things meme

Jul 27, 2007 11:19

Taken from a whole bunch of ya but mostly done like Sin's instead of Ray's.

1. I don't remember my parents. My birth ones. I don't remember much before when Mystique and Destiny found me. I know it was cold where I was an' dark an' there was a lot of pain an' sadness. An' voices. Loud angry voices. But I couldn't tell you where that was or even how old I truly was. I don't want to know. Not if all I can remember from it was pain an' sorrow. The past is past, no need to go draggin' into now.

2. My birth certificate (or at least the one Mystique has) says my birthday is August 8. I don't know if it really is or not but I think its around then. I'm a leo through an' through an' through. Fiery determination, yep I'd say thats me. Every year I get a cake sent to me from Oma. With Happy Birthday written in green icing. It don't matter where I am, it always finds its way to me. I don't know what I'd do if'n it didn't find me one year.

3. If I hadn't absorbed Carol I don't know if'n I'd've joined the X-Men. I was happy with the Brotherhood. With my family. Didn't have any reason to leave. Even if I didn't always understand why we were doin' what we were but I loved Oma and Momma an' as long as I was with them the rest of it didn't matter. But what happened with Carol messed me up pretty good an' so I had to leave an' try an' get help. Not that I ever did get the actual help I intended.

4. Sometimes I miss how things were. Usually late at night when I see Toad and Pyro bein' all chummy--or well, how the two of them act when they're bein' close. I miss Ororo. I miss when I was close to Jean an' we weren't always yellin' at one another. Hank's quotin' an' Scott's god awful coffee. Kitty's laughter. Kurt's amusing stories about the circus. I really miss Logan. He was the first to accept me. Hell, he saved my life more times than I can remember an'...they were my family too. I don't look forward to an actual fight against them at all.

5. I collect teddy bears. Not so much on other stuffed animals but I keep the ones others have given me but I adore teddy bears. I have more than I can count. A few with Rachel wherever she might be. My most important with me. A few still back in Caldecott an' the others hidden away in the houses Oma left to me. Oh an' apparently I'm pretty wealthy. Who the hell knew. But Oma was worth quite a bit cause her family was wealthy an' she invested well an' left it all to me. Still haven't figured out exactly what I'm doin' with it all. A number of charities have already been given sums an' will keep gettin' them.

6. I did love Remy...we just brought out the worst in each other.

7. Yes, the white streak has always been in my hair. Or well it has been as long as I can remember. The reason its changed through the years depended simply on how I styled it. And no. I don't dye it. Dye doesn't seem to like to stay in it.

8. I despise the cold. Southern girl here. I like it hot an' humid an' the sun beatin' down. An' crawdads an' chasin' fireflies with jars. Snow is an evil creation made ta simply taunt me. As are big chunks of ice. Especially don't like the cold now that I ain't goin' around wearin' my gloves an' layers upon layers of clothing. [locked to Brotherhood]Next time our safe house should be somewhere warm!!!![unlocked]

9. I can make a motorcycle from scratch. I know Edna McCoy's secret apple pie recipie an' how to pick a lock like Ororo an' where Bobby used ta hide his stash of gag items. I know what it was like to watch everyone die around ya an' ya lived. What burnin' bodies smell like an' how painful it is to have lice an' fear that your death will come next.

I know lots more too. Everyone's little secrets an' longings. An' your fears. I don't like knowin' it all. Not one bit. Y'all are very very loud.

10. I love Erik. More than I thought would be possible an' I want to share my dreams with him an' let him get to know my desires an' my fears. An' I'm in this for the long run an' we'll make this work. We just gotta.


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