Baby steps...

Jul 26, 2007 20:19

[RP written with and locked to tm_pyro]

No one said this was going to be easy. Especially not with these two. Rogue knew out of everyone she needed to apologize to Pyro and Toad were going to be the most difficult. Things had just started to get easy with them. Comfortable. And she'd ruined it all by ignoring them and yelling and well, she wasn't quite sure how exactly to make it up to either of them. Standin' outside Pyro's door sure as hell ain't gonna make this go any faster.

Rogue sighed and knocked. Smiling nervously at Pyro's grumbled response. That definitely didn't bode well. "Hey," she replied, nervous. "Its Rogue. Can...can I talk ta ya?"

"What the fuck?" Pyro mumbled. The blinds were closed and the room was dark. He was lying in bed, blankets drawn up right around his head to keep out the Siberian chill. When he heard someone outside his door, he considered setting them on fire. But, well. He might get in trouble for that, so he reluctantly decided to just get up and answer it.

Although, he had been sleeping; he and Toad had just gotten back from New York the night before, and the jetleg was killing him. So, he thought, his bitchy mood was understandable. He was fucking tired (and, as always, in a dark, sullen mood for leaving Doug behind) and they should all know by now to just leave him be for a while after those kinds of trips.

He threw open the door and saw Rogue standing there. In his sleep dazed fog, he just answered with a, "Oh. Hi." But then he realized it was Rogue standing there. Not only should he be pissed off for being woken up, but he should be pissed off for it being Rogue. Who, he remembered, was now a crazy bitch full of denial and didn't give a crap about her friends.

"What the fuck do you want?" he asked darkly. He walked away from her (though, left the door opened) and dove back into bed, pulling the covers over his head again. Maybe if he did that, she'd get the hint and just go away.

You knew he was gonna be like this, she reminded herself, stepping inside and closed the door behind her. Can't blame him one bit for it either. She didn't dare approach the bed or the chair set up beside it. Sliding down against the door instead. Staring at his covered form for a few moments. Trying to figure out exactly what she should say. How to make this better.

"I...I was a bitch. I know that now. An' I'm sorry." Rogue pushed hair out of her face, frowning when he didn't acknowledge her. "Ya were hurtin' an' ya tried to talk ta me. An' I ignored ya an' wouldn't listen an' I don't know what else to do except say I'm sorry."

"I was stupid, Pyro. I wasn't myself." That was an understatement. "I'm sorry if'n I hurt ya. I'm sorry I didn't...I'm sorry."

Pyro lay there under the blankets, eyes wide open, listening to her. He didn't know what to say. It's fine? Or it's okay?

No, he thought. The anger was staring to rise up in him the more he thought about it. Because it wasn't fine, it wasn't okay, it was...

"Fucking stupid," Pyro yelled angrily, throwing his covers off him again. He sat up, and glared at her. "You were a fucking bitch. And crazy. And it wasn't that I didn't notice." Or didn't care, but there was no fucking way he was going to say that to her. "You were being a cunt. I tried to help, but you wouldn't let me."

He hated to admit it, would barely acknowledge it, but she had really upset him. Hurt him, even, with the way she treated him. As if he was nothing to her. That she wouldn't tell him what was wrong, or let him try to help.

Well, whatever. She was the one who said she didn't need friends - didn't want them. He wasn't exactly eager to be hers right now anyway.

"Just fucking go away. I'm trying to sleep."

And he hid beneath his covers again.

"I." Rogue pushed herself up, nodding. "Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I wouldn't let anyone help. Not just you. Not that it matters. I thought I was supposed to be strong an' do it all myself. I was an idiot."

She brushed at the tears sliding down her cheeks, not sure when she'd started crying. Tried to be quiet about it. Not wanting him to see or hear. "Somehow I'm gonna fix this. You''re too important for me to just walk away from. You an' Toad both." She hiccupped and turned, opening the door. Stopping. "An' I was an idiot for tryin' ta."

"I hope you didn't go to New York an' break up with him. We need people, Pyro. You need him. I need...I just hope you weren't as stupid as I was." She sighed, wiping at her face again. "I'll get outta your way now. Sleep well. I'm sorry I woke ya."

"No, I wasn't," Pyro said. He threw off the covers again. He still stared at her reproachfully, but he couldn't help but talk to her about this. "I didn't do it. Truthfully? Yeah, I tried to. But then Doug and I talked about it, like fucking mature adults, Rogue. Which is more than I can say for you," he spat out at her.

He just shook his head. "I don't know, man. You, like, crossed the line or something." He looked at her carefully, could see she was trying hard not to show him how upset she was.

He sighed.

"It'll take some work, you know," he said, his voice softer than before. But there was still a wall that didn't used to be there before, not between him and Rogue. "To make it right. Because it doesn't feel it," he said honestly, but added, "not yet."

"I'm glad ya were smarter than me. That it didn't take ya as long as it did me to realize all of this." Rogue forced a smile and nodded. Hand still gripping the doorknob tightly. "I know it don't feel right. I'm gonna keep goin' until it does."

She nodded again, hesitant. "Could'll let me know when it is, right? Knowin' my luck I probably won't be able ta tell." Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open. "Sleep well. I'm glad ya an' Doug are still together."

He didn't say anything. Just grunted as she closed the door behind her.

But it took him a long time to fall asleep.

rp, pyro

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