The Morning After

Jan 01, 2007 19:29

[Written with tm_magneto]

[Locked to tm_magneto]

Gloved hands slid over her body, possessing every inch of skin. Her head tipped back, exposing her throat, more flesh to touch, for him to consume. The sight of Remy on top of her, igniting whimpers as he stroked her body, gave way to Erik, gloves replaced by hands, slick and cold. Metallic. Rogue groaned, coming out of the dream and opened her eyes slowly, taking in the sight of the hotel bedroom she was in. Her hands were clutching the pillow beneath her tightly and she rubbed her face against the fabric, smiling as she smelled his scent now mixed with hers.

Her smile faltered as she remembered why she was here. Mystique. She doubted that woman had told any of the other X-Men about what was going on between her and Erik but she wasn't about to allow her to have any leverage over her. If she'd learned anything from Mystique growing up it was that. She sat up and pulled her knees close to her body, resting her head gently on top as she hugged them close. She had to tell the X-Men, she knew that but she had no idea what she was even supposed to say to them. I don't even know what it is we're doing here. She bit her lip and rose, quietly entering the suite's main room. They were going to need to talk.

She took a seat on one of the chairs and tucked her legs beneath her and stared at Magneto on the couch. His eyes were closed but she wasn't all that sure he was asleep. He almost looked peaceful though, which was something she hadn't seen in his expression before. She leaned her head against the wall and waited, not wanting to disturb him.

"I know you're there," Erik said without opening his eyes. "However, if you wish to sneak out and have me pretend I didn't see you, that's fine, too." He smiled briefly.

"That'd hardly be proper, Erik," she replied, playing with the sleeves of his shirt. "And I am a proper Southern lady. Most of the time." She doubted letting a man make you come in a symphony was deemed proper.

He opened his eyes and smirked up at her. "Of course you are." He stretched and sat up, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I will take you home, if you wish. The normal way. With a car. Or I could get you a taxi. As you prefer." He paused. "Unless you don't want to go back to your home because of Mystique?" He wasn't sure what to say if she wanted to stay with him. The temptation to do things he shouldn't--yet--would be too great.

He looked adorable with his hair in disarray and she smiled before comprehending what he had just said. "I..." She really had no desire to see Mystique anytime soon but didn't want to impose herself anymore than she already had. Frowning, she stared at a spot just above his head, hating how vulnerable she was feeling. She'd promised herself she wouldn't allow herself to get like this, not after what had happened with Remy. "I don't know," she murmured, trying not to fidget anymore than she already was.

"You had mentioned calling your friend," he said carefully. "If you would like, I shall go and find us some breakfast. And then you may have some privacy. You may stay here as long as you like," he offered. Part of him hoped that she would. It would be so much easier to seduce her if she were here, constantly...

Though perhaps that was just what he wanted.

Rogue nodded, twisting her hands nervously in her lap. "I really do need to call Ray. I hope Mystique didn't...I hope she's okay." She smiled shyly. "Breakfast would be good and I promise I won't be calling the X-men to trap you, Erik," she added, knowing he was probably worried about that. They were enemies after all, except she was finding it very hard to see him as such.

"Of course. That would hardly benefit your status as a proper Southern lady." He smirked, then walked over to her and drew her closer. He rubbed his hands up and down her back. "I should go and take a shower. A cold one. You've very distracting in that shirt."

She blushed and rested her hands on his shoulders. "Good. Pay back for distracting me during the symphony." She grinned, slowly running her hands down his chest and back up.

"Distracting you? If that's all I managed to do, I'll have to work harder." He moved her away from him and went to shower. Afterwards, he dressed and then went to find them something to eat. "Call whom you must. I'll be back in about thirty minutes, with breakfast."

Rogue spent the first ten minutes trying to figure out what to say to Rachel before berating herself for another five for not just calling her and getting it over with. She dialed Rachel's number and was thankful when she heard the girl's voice on the other end but froze when she heard the others in the background. Talking over the phone was not going to be conducive. She needed to see Rachel in person where they wouldn't be overheard as easily. She told Rachel to meet her at Arlington Cemetery at three. That should give her enough time to figure out whatever it was she was doing here with Erik, right? Shaking her head she decided to take a shower, letting the hot spray calm her down. When she was done she changed back into the shirt and sat down on the sofa, waiting for him to return.

Erik returned with bagels and coffee, arranging the items on the little table in the suite's kitchen. "Did you get a hold of your friend?" His brow furrowed. "Rachel...Summers? As in, the one from the future, or some such? She's Marvel Girl, is that right?" He shook his head. "The entire Summers family is confusing. One almost needs a chart just to keep up."

"That's the one. She goes by Grey though. Not too fond of Scott at the moment." She looked thoughtfully at the spread and smiled. "Thanks for getting breakfast and letting me call her. I'm going to meet her soon and then..." She frowned, unsure what she was going to do, knowing full well what she should do. "I'm going to go to the mansion and let them know about us. If that's okay with you," she added hastily. "Though, what are we?"

"Of course. Say whatever you like." He sat next to her and ate his bagel, then picked up the remains of their breakfast once she was finished. "I have a few things to attend to today, myself."

She nodded and collected her clothes. "I should get dressed and go see Rachel. She should be at the cemetery soon." She bit her lip, gathering her strength, and then moved towards him, kissing him gently before returning to the bedroom and changing into her outfit. She folded his shirt, placed it on the bed, and went back out into the main room to join him. "I'll call you and let you know how goes with them. Okay?"

"That would be fine. Anna, I--" He raked a hand through his hair, then shook his head. "I am never going to be able one of them. I will always believe the things that I do and fight for the survival of mutants. I need to know that you understand that."

"I know that, Erik." She frowned, tilting her head and watching him cautiously. "Doesn't mean I'll agree with what you do though, you do realize that, right?"

"Yes. This should be interesting." He drew her nearer, his hands on her waist. "You're welcome to stay here with me as long as you like." Raising his hand, he brought one of the metal spheres from where it rested on his dresser, stretched it to an impossibly thin configuration, and then attempted to press it to her mouth so he could kiss her. It worked for a few moments, but was a little awkward. "We'll have to practice that." His voice was husky.

"I look forward to that," she murmured, and rested her head on his chest. "I should probably get to Rachel and then deal with the X-Men." She tried not to tremble at that thought and wrapped her arms around him. "I'll call you when I'm done. Maybe I'll come back tonight." Especially depending on how Scott reacts. "I had a lovely evening, Erik, and a lovely morning." She was finding it very hard to let go, wanting to just stay in the room with her arms around him for a little longer.

Erik smiled. "So did I. Go meet you friend." He set her away from him. He needed to get out for a bit, needed to think. About what to do next. A long walk may do the trick. Plus, he had calls to make. The Brotherhood to run. A mission to plan. He forced himself to remember that, and not how soft and warm she felt pressed against him. "I'll see you later."

"Yes. Later." Rogue forced herself to leave the room, intent on seeing Rachel and finding out exactly what Mystique had done to Rachel. And what she'd need to do in order to rectify the situation. She pulled her coat closed as she exited the morning air, smiling broadly as she got into a cab, slowly caressing the metal bracelet on her wrist as she replayed the night's events in her mind.

rp, magneto, dating

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