Over-indulgence and deprivation

Mar 09, 2011 00:50

I'm no longer Catholic by any stretch of the imagination, but I will always love Mardi Gras season. I'll never forget that time leef and I took my brother out of high school to use up his "college search" days on a trip to New Orleans during Mardi Gras week. Or the year that trly_g0n_fishng and I stayed up all night to make costumes to wear to the Rex parade. Or that one Lundi Gras with sephatta in the sushi bar....

Of course, Wednesday (today, officially) marks the start of Lent, that long period of repentance for your sins before Easter. Regardless of the religious connotations, I've always liked Lent for the chance to test my resolve and to introduce a little temporary deprivation in my life. This year, I'm committing to exercising moderately for at least twenty minutes a day for the duration of Lent. It's up to me to determine what "moderate" means, but I think I'll be able to hit this goal without fudging too much. It also dovetails neatly into my "exercise an average of four times a week" resolution for the New Year, which I've almost-but-not-really been accomplishing. (Which reminds me: I'm well overdue for a goal update post.) I will also hopefully use it to propel myself back into running, which is something that I've been neglecting recently in favor of keeping my feet intact for long hours at work doing events.

I'll be posting here about my progress occasionally so I can keep myself accountable. Is anyone else doing something for Lent?

memories, goals, gym, plans, anarchy in nola, running, seasons

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