2011 Resolutions

Jan 03, 2011 22:04

Here's my master list of goals for 2011.

- go to the gym an average of 4x/week (pretty much what I've been doing for ages, but it's a good reminder)
- track food every day
- take at least 5 yoga classes during the year
- run a 10k race (I'm about a month out from getting my mileage up to 6.2 miles)
- finish a 5K in under 32 minutes (I'm still really slow)
- complete New Rules of Lifting workout regimen (in Stage 6 of 7 currently)
- reach goal weight of 120-125 or goal dress size 4
- floss at least one a week (as opposed to never)

- update Andrew's Ashes 1x/month
- take a sewing class
- sew a knit dress (This was a project given to me by my sewing-savvy mother-in-law as a Christmas gift back in 2009. I'm doing a muslin version first to get the hang of the pattern.)

House and Garden
- replace weatherstripping on doors
- buy a citrus tree
- plant two more things in the front yard (more lantana? new cactus? something edible?)
- research and plant a summer garden
- finish updating porch (install lattice, move patio furniture, get shelving)
- re-paint exterior doors
- buy a dining room table
- update fencing in backyard

- plan international vacation (Europe with my dad? Costa Rica with Brandon? Not sure I'll be able to travel internationally this year, but I'd like to at least research options.)
- attend San Diego Comic Con (this one is still a maybe)
- support Brandon at all of his meets
- spread Drew's ashes somewhere new
- accompany Brandon to Mexico for wisdom teeth
- visit Indianapolis at least 2x-3x this year

- obtain liquor license training (since I'm responsible for explaining the laws to clients)
- attend venue management school in WEST Virginia (looks like this one is a sure thing pending completion and approval of application)
- plan deadlines & goals on a weekly and monthly basis
- streamline season planning schedule (right now the way that we book and confirm events is kind of chaos - this shouldn't take all that long to plan)
- figure out marketing and rates for summer promotions (summers are DEAD; they shouldn't be!)

- set up durable power of attorney and a living will for myself and for Brandon
- reduce debt by $2,500.00
- purge closets/dressers of old clothes
- do taxes for 2009 (AZ only) and 2010 (federal and AZ)
- wash and vacuum my car at least once every other month

- bike to work at least 2x/month
- join a CSA
- Attend a permaculture or sustainable living class at least 1x/quarter
- Research a solar water heater/grey water system

Too ambitious, or not ambitious enough? :)

Now to figure out HOW I'm going to go about accomplishing all of these things.

hope, running, sewing, fitness, introspection, mexico, plans, health, goals, yoga, work, travel, cars, trips

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