
Sep 25, 2011 16:28

On Friday, my friend here in doo da that is an uber SPN fan along with me spent the night at my house and we watch S7 01 together.
We are a perfect match because as she sighs,mmmmms, and "omg he is hot" over Dean I say things like: Sam is such an attractive man. He is sensitive, smart, and in tune with the needs of his brother.  See :) perfect!  It was a great night for us.  We both liked the episode.  I like the new intro.  It is funny that before SPN I never really cared about intros.  I like the black on white with the running paint.  I have read many a review on my FL so really I am not going to say much of anything that probably hasn't already been said. 
Bullet points....
*  I really liked how it started off exactly from where it left off.
** Dean and Sam have some yummy hair.
*** The cinematography and special effects were very good. (dean upside down in the car. The dead angels all over the field. The alien(leviathon) trying to get out of Castiel. Castiels rotting flesh, the stained glass window)
**** Sam in one layer of clothing and it being V-necked at that.  Dean in overalls!
*****Bobbys snarkiness and concern over Sam. 
******Sam not wanting to break Dean further and tell him about the hallucinations,  THE and scary.
*******Crowley....Such the oportunists...and smart.
********Lucifer: "Sam. Long time no spooning."  :D love love love love love love loved it!
*********Castiel....Is he the next big bad????? I wish that Castiel could have died a good death and not have to be this whatever he is going to be.
**********Death! He is so cool.  I love fried pickles too!  Does that make me bad?  It's like Dean thinks Death is like Santa Claus except without the cookies.

***********What happened to Sam?  Where did he go and why didn't Dean want to know sooner???  I know he had ticking clock what with the eclipse and all, but I thought his concern for Sam would have shown sooner.

So looking forward to the next episode.

Happy week to you!

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