Nov 14, 2013 00:42
I managed it despite working doubles on seven of those days. Most days I made sure I did no less than 2K. Had one 7,500+ word day and another near 7K day last week. And today? 9,500+. My new record. I am so amazed with myself, and proud. 10K is now totally doable for me.
Now to actually finish the first draft. Tomorrow I need to think about that one, figure out where to keep the story going given what I've written so far, and then go from there. Then I'll deal if I realize the draft will be "done" before November 30th. Maybe I'll add to my word count by working on another project, but only claim the actual story word count in the end. The goal will be to test how many fiction words I can write in one month.
And now I'm off to bed. Whew! :)