Okay, I went with my mom to see it. She likes horror films, vampire stuff (she sometimes watches Buffy reruns), AND David Tennant. (The extent of the last one sometimes embarrasses me; the only person in my family who should be expressing admiration of him is me, okay?!) Here's the summary of my thoughts after watching the movie (trying to not spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet):
1. I put on my Converse, just... because. Did you know that those red lights make the white parts of Converse shoes look really cool? I have to dress up to not look like a teenager when I wear them, but I swear I'm wearing them to an event with black lights!
2. Don't go too early to any movie. Choose a theater that's part of a big center and do other things for as long as you dare. You'll spare yourself watching the flipping First Looks and such - sometimes more than once!
3. I swear we had to sit through about a dozen previews! Also, are horror films making a big comeback or something? Because I think the only one that wasn't a horror film was the "Harold and Kumar" Christmas movie!
4. I didn't recognize David in the clips during the first part. The get-up threw me off completely... and meant that I was bored out of my skull for over half the movie!
5. Colin Farrell is completely overrated. Looking at that guy has never done anything for me. There's just something about him that, to me, screams sleazy...
6. The culture of high school is part of why I'm glad I was homeschooled. Cliques are just plain evil!
7. I definitely don't like horror or vampire films. The only reason I sometimes watched "Angel" was because of the unspeakably hot eye candy that is David Boreanaz. I once saw, in a magazine after donating blood, a picture of Angel without a shirt. I nearly drooled...
8. Watching teens dating... Ugh. I'm glad I decided that I wouldn't date until I was 18. That said... Gotta get back into the field...
9. The character Peter Vincent was a complete ass at first. Not exactly likeable. Hope David had fun playing him. BTW, my mom and I swear he was channeling Russel Brant. Let's just say neither of us likes that look - especially not on David! Although he had one moment that they also used a still of at the end of the movie... and it made me glad that there was only one other person in that theater; we were loudly laughing. (I wonder if LJ will let us get away with using that as a user pic...)
10. On that same note... I didn't mind at all seeing him without a shirt! ;D Had to suppress a laugh when Mom muttered that he looked like he needed to eat a sandwich and a piece of cake. Although she was apparently paying more attention to his body than I was. Does he have a... dent... on his torso...?!
11. I'm not sure how many cliches exist in vampire films... but I swear this must've used all of them!
12. Apparently I developed a habit of getting out of movies I hate by faking a need to go to the bathroom. My mom grumbled that I made her miss the best scene in Star Trek V. (I think I speak for a lot of Trek fans when I say, "There was one?") I got so bored that I did it a few times, and spent some time wandering the halls. Found out I missed a few of David's scenes. Damnit!
13. I was so happy when Peter grew a set in the end. He finally became likeable!
14. You know you've seen enough horror stuff when you just have the sinking feeling about who's not going to make it...? I was glad to be proven wrong for once.
15. David last lines? Priceless! Wouldn't have predicted the only two things he wouldn't do...
16. The music with the credit started out fine. Still... Most of the movie was too dang loud! Even with earplugs.
So that was "Fright Night." When someone posts caps of DT's moments in the movie, let me know. I'm not inclined to endure the crap that was the rest of the movie just to see all of his moments!