FIC: Flipped, Book 3 (8/12)

Dec 31, 2015 10:01

Title: Flipped, Book 3
Rating: heavy T, with some M/MA
Author: tkel_paris
Summary: David Noble thought he had come to terms with the strange feelings the female Doctor inspired, and it seemed to be helped by Martha Jones joining them. But when the Aubertide threaten the Doctor, protecting her requires a cover that will test his sanity and his ability to find ( Read more... )

ficverse = flipped, wilf, bas_math_girl, torchwood team, rating = m, doctor/donna, geoffrey, doctor who, sylvia, cassikat, david noble, fanfic, ginger!ten, jack harkness, tardis-mole, fic!presents

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tkel_paris January 3 2016, 19:04:26 UTC
Again, it's a pain having to write without being able to call on you as a beta. I'm going to have to stick with one-shots for a while until I'm more comfortable with research or with figuring out how to ask questions without giving anything anyway.

*giggles* MASS. That needs to go in a story somewhere. :D

Yeah... That wasn't going to go well, the dinner.

It sounded like a Donna thing to say. :DDDD

I know. So she's remembering more than canon hinted at. I have to wonder... could John Smith have been able to remember the Moment and written about it? And would the Doctor have noticed that in the journal and at least some of the memories unlocked for him?

Yes. The worst possible complication, and he can't let on about that.

Hey! I discovered that the story needed a little extra polishing, and I was busy at a bowl game party at my aunt's! Had to shut off the laptop to be in company. Which was fine since I could watch all three of my little second cousins (although one was asleep the whole time) play. So... two chapters went up last night. One more comes up later today, and the final chapter tomorrow night since I know I need to polish it a little more.


tardis_mole January 3 2016, 20:07:00 UTC
That is a problem.

*giggles* I dare you. :DDDD The Doctor telling Donna that he's going to MASS and her reaction. I'd have paid good money for that to have been on screen.

Sorry, that was supposed to say MOLES not males. But at least you realised that. *coughs*

He might have, but he didn't remember to the extent Donna is here. He dismissed than as dreams, but Donna isn't. That could be serious if the Aubertide find her.

Yeah. Even worse than Donna getting pregnant in The Nature Of Donna.

No problem. I'm more patient than my review would suggest. :DDD I will get to them in the next two days. Got some housework to get back to. Gah!


tkel_paris January 7 2016, 05:00:34 UTC
(LJ ate my comment! ARGH!)

Hazard of being an American, I guess.

Might work as a prompt for a Secret Santa fic I was supposed to write. :D But what does the second S stand for? ;)

Had one removed. As a teen.

But if Verity saw it in his book and noticed the resemblance to Rose Tyler... I see potential for a plot bunny.

Please be patient. Still have to work on two chapters. And ugh on the housework I still have to do. :(


tardis_mole January 8 2016, 07:46:31 UTC
I can't remember now. I'd have to locate the original sentence to work it out. I tried, but I couldn't find it.

Verity could well have seen Rose in the book, but she didn't meet anyone mentioned in the book until the Doctor went to get his copy signed. How could verity have met Rose? If it can be made believable that could well be plot bunny - and a reason for her to want to publish the journal.

I know the feels. I've still got a readthrough for Beached to get through. And my Muse is not playing nice. Instead she's insisting i finish Triffids. Which is fair enough; it's been sitting around for the past eight years. :D


tkel_paris January 13 2016, 03:27:08 UTC
Mutual Admiration Society S-something. I think you were prodded by Wilfred and "Donna"'s getting along so well, since I used the MAS phrase.

What if she saw Rose's picture on the missing posters? She might do some looking into it, and what she learns about Rose prods her into publishing the book.

Ah. Muse is being silent right now. Which is both good and bad. Good in that I can get through the critiques I need to finish by tomorrow. Bad in that I'm getting no writing done, and procrastinating on a lot of things. :(


tardis_mole January 13 2016, 19:47:14 UTC
Mutual Admiration Society Social (meeting) :D

That works. Also the more recent events that included Martha (2007), which would have been in the news. Since Martha would have been more prominent in Joan's own diaries, Verity would have been alerted to that fact more than a poster. I don't think Verity was from East London. Her accent is different.

Gah on your behalf. I'm now half way through devorating the hall and living room. You would not believe it, but whoever decorated painted the walls in gloss paint. It making the stripping hard work and painful on the hands.


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