Peanut Butter Icebox Cake

Feb 26, 2013 16:41

Apologies, apologies. I know I said I would post something here once a month, but… well, life gets in the way. Life, and a gradually decreasing inclination to bake. It’s sad, that something I used to get excited about now just makes me shrug and put it off. If I didn’t feel so guilty about never updating this site, never using my camera, and never using all of the baking equipment and supplies I’ve acquired over the past two years, I probably wouldn’t even be doing this entry right now.

It’s kind of depressing, but it’s the truth.

But! I still had fun making this anyway. I was originally going to make Peanut Butter Pie, but decided not to because the recipe was all, “lol buy cool whip” and I was like, “lol no”. Then I was going to make Coconut Macaroon Bars at the suggestion of my mother, but I had almost none of the ingredients and was not in the mood to blow a ton of money.

My boyfriend came up with the idea to make icebox cake, something he’s made a bunch of times before and loves. Icebox cake is basically just whipped cream and cookies, so what’s not to like? But I decided to make it a little different by making a peanut butter whipped cream instead.

Continue @ Jackie Ruins the Cake

baking and things

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