It's up to me now, turn on the bright light

Feb 12, 2013 01:05

The little vacation to NYC is (basically) all planned out! I'm just going for one night instead of two, because hotels be crazy expensive and I'd rather stay somewhere nice for one night than somewhere shitty for two. Plus, this way I can go ~shopping~ relatively guilt-free. And I've already paid for it online so I can't chicken out! Yay! I just hope, you know, something doesn't go horribly wrong. Losing over $300 for no reason would be the worst.

I'm not going 'til the end of March, so I'm going to try my best to save my money until then. I still have a lot left over from the tax refund, plus I'll obviously be working in the meantime, so I should be alright. I'm such a cheapskate I'll probably barely spend anything anyway.

This is gonna be fun! I'm also hoping to finally hang out with Corinne and Luke. I haven't seen those guys since Comic-Con 2010.

In other news, I'm starting to write a web series for that book I wrote in high school, Friends Like Enemies. I got inspired by the Lizzie Bennet Diaries (new obsession of the moment) and I'm going to make it a vlog-style thing and age everyone up to college, and the characters are gonna have Twitter accounts and stuff. In fact, some of them do already...


Go follow them! Because right now I'm basically just talking to myself, even if it is pretty fun. It's kind of stupid to make these when I 1) haven't finished writing even ten of the episodes yet, and 2) don't even know when/if I'm going to be able to ACTUALLY film this. But it's a laugh.

vacation, friends like enemies, new york city!, film!

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