Work in Progress Wednesday!

Jun 19, 2019 17:49

I'm back, Baby!

I thought it was only one week that I totally and completely forgot to come here on Wednesday. Bu no, it's been two weeks (and almost another this week). Now though, school is out for the summer and aside from surgery in July and visiting family in August I got all the time in the world. So, let's do this!

Drop your Work in Progress in the comments and then come back and read/peruse each others' work. Like always, it really only works if you do both parts.

I'm putting mine behind a cut because if I put it in the comments, I always forget to also do it on the LJ mirror post that I always forget goes up too. (Ooooops)

So, this is just a small snippet of me getting to know my characters and setting. It's a dysptopian near future fantasy thinger for an anthology my editor is putting together.

Harmlicia Alidrinker slowly propped one eye open. It almost hurt how desperately it wanted to remain closed. Just five more minutes> she said--for the fifth time. She didn’t know what was going to kill her first, the career as a bar owner or her calling as a covert resistance fighter. It was definitely going to happen on nights like last night where the two worlds collided.

It was happening more and more these days. These End Times Days.

She shouldn’t be surprised. It might have started slow, but by the time the slogan “Smash the Patriarchy” stopped being almost cutesy and became a literal battle cry--and yes, she was using literally correctly--she was too far entrenched to go back. Her bar had gone too far.

work in progress wednesday

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