Feb 06, 2005 08:46

Hummm...Super bowl or Church....Super bowl or Church????
Ahh, Church wins for sure. For my friends out there, you have a great Super Bowl day!

We drove to town yesterday to see Daniel. I can't believe how much time I have spent away from home since he was born. I "never" leave the house if I don't absolutely have to! This little guys adorable face just calls to me. He is sooooo cute! He's still at the new stage, where he sleeps most of the day hours and is awake all night. I was holding him and talking to him, while he slept away. Grandpa picked him up and sure enough, his eyes popped open. Grandpa carried on a long conversation with him, then handed him back to me, where he went right to sleep again. What a beautiful baby he is, perfect in every single way. I could hold him for days and kiss his cheeks and talk softly to him. He is the baby of a million different expressions (while he sleeps).

I am going to church today, then I think I will spend most of the day making greeting cards for people. My daughters Birthday is coming up soon, plus three nieces Birthdays. I already have all my Valentines made (35) for family and some for my Tops group. There is a friend in Church who just got out of the hospital and is still very ill, that I want to send a card to. That should take care of this month.

(you can skip this part its a little boring)
I just can't get myself in gear to get back into Tops and losing 10 more pounds. Anyone out there want to lose some weight? We can challenge each other, to keep on going to our goal. I can follow my diet pretty well, its the exercise I fall behind on. Mr.D can't walk with me because of his knee's right now. They have a few ladies walking from the church each week, but its opposite Odyssey (children's church group) and I work with the kids.
Its just self motivation...I need to get motivated and just do it! Why is it so hard to do something, that is good for me in the long run? Laziness I guess, just laziness. I just need to lose 10 more pounds and you would think that would be easy. I use to walk with the lady next door, but her hours were sporadic and sometimes she was a "no-show" anyway. I don't like to walk alone, #1 because its not safe and #2 a few places around here have "killer, scary dogs".

(enough of the silly fights with my thoughts)

Everyone have a wonderful day and I'll chat with you again Monday...after Tops.
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