
Feb 14, 2008 05:10

It's 5am. What better to do, than write up that post I've been meaning to.

According to this, (and
wildsong) my last decent post was exactly a month ago. Quite a bit has happened within that time-frame.

The most important thing, or at least in my opinion, is that I am now currently employed. I work nights in the Errigle Inn on weekends as floor staff. Basically, I pick up empty glasses for a living. Woo! >.>
The staff are decent enough, seem to enjoy a laugh. I've only had two shifts so far, but both went well. Next shift is this Friday (technically tomorrow) and again this Saturday. Minimum wage is, however, for the loss. £4.60/hour isn't great, considering this really isn't helping my back. I do need the money, though, and I'm fed up with job-hunting.

Mmmh, what else...

School is, well, not going great. I've got parts of my computers coursework due in for Monday, most of which isn't done. Physics is as mind-boggling as usual, and currently maths is just frying my head. I can't deal with the pressure that the current work load is putting me under, and it doesn't help that I only have to the end of Feb to get most of my work done and handed in.

I've "officially" quit Search, as of a couple of weeks ago. Certain things happened, I took them badly, and I've now fallen out with someone whom I thought was a friend. I'm also quite fed up with the attitude of most of the members. Search promotes a "We're a big happy family looking for God and friends" façade, but on the inside, people bitch, gossip, and complain about each other far too much. I've noticed this before, but I was naïve enough to think that people didn't really mean it, and that they'd get over the grudges and such eventually. I guess I finally just grew up and started to accept that people don't change if they don't want to.

The last few days/weeks haven't really been great, sleep-wise. Stupidly little amounts of sleep over a stupidly large period of time = a really stupidly tired James. I did, however, manage to sleep for 13 hours yesterday, which was absolutely fucking awesome. I woke up feeling so refreshed and just full of the joy of a new day. It felt as though a shadow that had been hanging over me for far too long had been lifted, and I could finally see what was in front of me. Needless to say, I enjoyed today/yesterday, or at least what little of it I was awake for.

After complaining about my vocabulary becoming awful, and my spelling just being downright atrocious, I went out and bought a couple of books to read, two of which I've always wanted to read, but could never get into, and the other two because I've seen the films before hand, and really enjoyed them. A Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens, as well as Empire of the Sun and The Kindness of Women, by JG Ballard. Empire of the Sun is an excellent film, and I would advise those of you who haven't seen it to do so.
Laura also gave me a few Tamora Pierce books, so I think I may begin to start reading those, before cracking into Dickens. He's a really heavy read, last I remember.

Hmmm. Ah yes. I started to play World of Warcraft again.
biadetic gave me the "Scroll of Resurection" thing (gives you 10 days of free play time) and I decided to continue playing after that. I have to say, I'm surprised at myself. I put a parental lock on the account for certain hours of the day (can't access it during school hours, nothing after one am, etc.) and I still haven't changed it. I'm thinking of asking someone to look after it for me, though. It gets tempting to change it when I'm bored...

Music is awesome. Putting my computer on random while tidying my room left me amused. There were songs on it I'd completely forgotten about, and some I just love hearing. I also have stuff on there that I don't remember getting. Tom Petty? Wtf? (Even though I do like him, I just don't remember ever putting any of his stuff on there o.O)

It's Valentine's Day, today. Make sure to tell that special someone how you feel about them.

I love you, by the way.

Doozer and I are going to B&Q some time soon to get me some shelves! Yes! Storage space! It's about time. All my notes are piled in a, well, pile. It'll be good to have space to put text books and books and CDs and DVDs...you'd think I should be less happy about getting shelves in. I seriously need them. :D

Just finished watching Smokin' Aces. It was ok, predictable enough, though the main twist came out of nowhere, to be honest. Shoot 'em up at it's, well, mediocre-ness.

Think I'll head to sleep now, try and get up in a few hours and finish tidying my room. It'll be good to see my entire bed for once, instead of having half of it covered in clothes that just have nowhere to go. /sigh


wow, music, work, insomnia, search, school, update

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