
Jul 10, 2007 20:37

Everyone is out of town and or busy tonight. Leaving me alone, finding bizarro means of entertainment for myself. I guess that's not all that bad.

I sat around listening to the music bank on my keyboard. I thought it was lame activity, until I realized it has some of the most beautifully composed piano songs of all time on it. After listening to Liebestraume 3 by Liszt about 3 times, and almost coming to tears every time, I decided I should maybe switch to Scott Joplin to get me back in the mood. I blasted The Entertainer from my keyboard, which is on my desk, and picked up some floss, which was also on my desk. I made the floss tap dance. I just liked listening to the sound it made hitting the desk, the keyboard, my notebook. It was so soothing. I'm not really sure why - but I am entirely sure that my floss tap danced better than my feet ever could.

I could cry because I might never be able to play Liszt, and then cry harder because I don't think I could ever compose something as beautiful and gorgeous as he did. But meh, it's not worth my time. God has some beautiful plan for me, and just me, and it's beautiful in itself to see that plan. It's the crafting for the person which makes it beautiful, not the plan in and of itself. I doubt Liszt knew how his song would effect me, or Joplin as to how excited it would make me, or Johnson and Johnson how beautifully their floss tap dances. I might never know how I effect people...I can only hope that I effect them in a way that brings more beauty to their tiny life span on earth. But as for me and my contentment, I only know that God is holding me in his hand, guiding me along.

Hey, thanks.

(POST.NOTE. - I have since found out two things in the past 10 minutes: 1. Liszt is spelled that way, and not how I thought it should be. 2. Most of Liszt's pieces were, and intentionally so, written to be played fluently by about 12 people, give or a take a few, in the entire world. Damn, I feel better.)
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