Howdy, welcome to my relatively updated to-do list. Hopefully this won't be completely depressing. This has finally been moved to a much subtler location than a 'forward-dated entry'. I'm going to do my best to add descriptive paragraphs to each entry in the hope that I can come back and understand what the hell I was talking about. Plus that will help people actually maybe even maintain an interest in this stuff. That's about all there is to say. I'll try and get this to a more readable, understandable format. Bolded means emphasis - durrr - italics means that item is in process - Thanks for dropping in.
- Thomas Jackson
- Marriage & Family Items
- Personal Items
- Make Hang/Frame List
- LiveJournal Post Regarding:
- The Gospel Of John Movie
- ELCA Journey Together Faithfully Study
- Audio-Video Items
- Wedding Audio CDs
- Data (SHN both channels for both sides)
- Wedding CD *no 2 sec delay*
- Volume Normalization
- tracks for vows and such
- Smashing Pumpkins Boot CD Ripping
- Rip & Burn CDs
- Certain Software Settings
- Tom Folder
- My Documents
- Microsoft Outlook Backups
- Smashing Pumpkins & Zwan
- 2 Copies Of Full Shows & Delete
- SHN & Audio
- 2nd CD & Delete
- Figure out if I can grab CD 1 from grandma and SHN it
- Figure out if CD 2 WAV's exist.
- Develop Strategy For VCDs
` - CUE CDs
- Learn to convert tapes
- Computer Items
- Miscellaneous Stuff
- re: startupdisks - my computer, sarah's computer
- LiveJournal Design
- Quick'n'Easy
- Memorable Post freeText comp
- I want to have a freeText component that has little icons, probably the stupid heart thing, for each link. The links will go to posts that I think are memorable, more than likely posted sermons, long rants, etc. I would like to have the titles of these posts enabled as 'hover-overs' for the little icons I use for the links themselves. On a difficulty scale, this isn't hard at all. I'm just exceptionally lazy.
- I'd like to put Psalm 22 in a scrolling free_text.
- Big Projects
- Entire Journal: Sorting The Entries By Date Posted.
- I want to set up a journal that has dividing flatboxes between each day, so I can sort my personal entries into things that happened on Monday, Tuesday, Last Week, etc. This should make it easier to tell what's happening when, for those people who actually give a rat's ass about what I'm doing, and for those people who I actually care aboot as well.
- In order to do this, I need help constructing the 'certain day' delimitor. I'm not exactly sure how to use the variables I've been pointed to, but for structural purposes (indenting and such) I need to update myself on HTML TABLE structures, and take a look at the behavior of 'Thread Created By' in the comments override.
- Entry Filtration Systems
- I want to set up a filtration system based upon the security types. In short, I would like to have the ability to choose and display; all entries, private entries, friend-only entries, custom entries. I'm pretty sure this can be done, I'm not exactly sure on the logic. I'll need to talk to kunzite1 and take a look here
- I would also like to do a filtration system similar to kunzite1's iso filters. Where I can view only the recent posts to a community, or by a person, by clicking on an icon in the header. This would make it helpful for narrowing down what exactly I'm reading whenever people go all post-whore on me. Ideally it would also be good to exclude communities or users temporarily from the current reading view, if I'm really not in the mood to sort through so-and-so's meme-age.
- S2 Style Choosing Project [Permanence]
- Basically what I want to have is a 'theme/style' chooser. This would make it so the viewer can click on a two-column, pink background, zero-column, default color, or whatever, icon and then be taken to see my journal, through that view they choose. This is definetly do-able, although there are a few speedbumps along the way.
- Whenever a person chooses a view, then changes the current page, they have to change the view again. This is because in the 'choosing' of the view, a ?s2id=###### is appended to ?s2id is not an argument and as such, there's no easy way to check if it's there, or what it is set to, then 'carry' it along. Until such a magical thing happens where this is able to happen, I have two options for a work-around
- Somehow I would like to set the ?s2id as an argument I specify. Then whenever the argument is set, send the argument through each link, checking up on each page load, then toggling the argument back to the ?s2id when necessary. This sounds awful messy and probably impossible. Grrr
- The other option as a work-around, would be to make the style chooser accessible wherever it would be needed. This way it's not such a big deal that the s2id won't carry through to links. In order to do this I would like to add a style-chooser in the header of all posts viewed through my LJ. Making this happen in conjunction with name-anchor links (those created for the summary component) would allow the user to say, now that i'm 15 entries back into his journal, I'd like to keep going from this entry only with the neon-orange color scheme. By clicking on the icon i'll make for the neon-orange color scheme, they then load the appropriate s2id and simultaneously link back to the same entry they were choosing the s2id from. current url#current_name_anchor?s2id#blue
- Comments Overrides
- I would like to be able to modify the linkbar for comment overrides, to include a link to a nameanchor specified in the first post, both for entry and thread.
- More than likely, I will have to create my own name-anchors for this purpose.
- Buttons would be nice too.
- I need to update the 'look', so we have a transparentBG for commentHeaders and include the flatbox information holders
- Single Sided Column View
- I would like to have the default (read: primary) view for my journal, be the traditional single-sided column view. For organizational purposes, I think this would work best with having a 'welcome-msg override' that has 3 TD's inside. These TDs could be anything from rewritten system components (profile|summary|calendar), to a combination of rewritten system components with free-text (profile|welcomeMsg|linkSystem to nameAnchored FreeTexts On Side)
- Zero Sided Column View
- Matt Fotzler (despa had mentioned below, that it would be handy just to have a zero-sided view. Firstly, this would have an overwritten navBar on top.
- We could then do something similar to the modified welcomeMsg override, described above to place the 'essential system components' up top. (profile|summary|calendar)
- The idea occured to me, to make something happen at the bottom of every other entry.
- Perhaps this could be a nameAnchor linkbar to the top or bottom, where freeTexts or systemComponents reside.
- Perhaps this could be repeated, rewritten systemComponents|freeTexts intermingled with the entries.
- Perhaps this could be an execution of a random free-text component.
- Stupid 'someday' Modifications
- Make A Poll Component
- I would like to make a poll component, somewhere, that has a 'hey welcome, how did you find this page, wotcha think, etc' kind of feel.
- I would also like a link to the entry where this poll in contained (ideally the guestbook), so people can discuss it's results.
- CSS DIV Hovers
- I'm thinking I might incorporate DIV hovers through Stylesheets to increase entry text readability. I need to hunt down the tutorial link first though. Whoops.
- Desktop webCam
- Items To Put in My Profile:
- Control Panel With Links To:
- My Learn List
- My Buy List
- Augsburg Fortress Wishlist
- kunzite1's clock
- backgroundImg Ideas:
- Other LJ Muses
- Nice color scheme on toastednut's journal as well. backgroundImg
- override print_comp_header/footer for calendar display
- Consider nuffinLink class for imgs, especially entry/comment linkBars
- Layout Musings
I helped liabunny, briefly with her new layout and I decided I'd start coming up with semi-organized muses for my own. I know I'm going to have a bitch of a time dealing with cross-browser compatibility, but hey as long as I'm just coming up with ideas, what better place than my art-gallery-of-awe, csszengarden...
- mediterranean - similar to component, I'd need a new header image tho, and I like the hovers for menu items..
- Edo & Tokyo - I like the transparency on the entries, maybe I can find a background for the entry portion I'd be working with in my 'mediterranean' clone..
- Port Of Call - I like the positioned box above the menu, on the right. Another facet to combine into my 'mediterranean' clone.
- Dark Industrial - Like the paragraph hovers, this would be a good idea for a darker 'tint' on the 'mediterranean clone'.
- Tulipe - this has some tight stuff in their pulldown menus. transparent defaultmenuitemBGs, opaque selectedmenuitemBGs, positioned menu bodies below the HR. Neat
- Outbreak - this design as a nice onHover animated gif in the compHeader
- Gemination - in an effort to go along with the new fad of css-pulldowns. I like this design's alternative.
- This is Cereal - neater pulldowns. Probably I want to combine this and the prior.
- Elevation - neat compLink hovers - note to self: dotted borders are kinda neat.
- webZine - this is my idea for a megaJournal. Although it would pretty much require if statements inside a page_layout override to determine new 'magazine sections' for friends/archive/recent/day/entry views...I need to check if it has different code the the 'next design' link, that sort of 'link direct changes to a DIV' command would be nice, if it exists.
- I Dream In Colour - just begging for hover modification
- Smashing Pumpkins - Zwan Items
- Sales Strategy for Posters/Hats/CDs/Shirts/Boots - wait for eBay merge