I'm not saying he puts plots on to improve his vision

Jun 20, 2010 22:45

Doctor Who yesterday was pretty amazing.

I mean it's been obvious that something's been building up all series - something a little more challenging than the 'spot the word' style hints we had in the first three series of new Who.
Having seen Coupling, part of Jekyll, and with vague memories of Press Gang repeats, I reckon that Steve Moffat uses plot like Russell T. Davis uses spectacle. I must say I find the former more satisfying.

I liked the Doctor mentioning that Romans invaded Britain several times.
I think people are far too stuck on the idea that the Roman invasion was some kind of master plan. When really the first time was just Julius Caesar pottering about on this side of the channel before heading back to Rome to claim some cash for doing so.
I'll stop with the history now.

When the Doctor described the thing in the box -something that went across galaxies and scared everyone- there was only one person who fitted that bill. The stuff River said about the 'good wizard' was obviously a red herring.

I was just fervently hoping that Daleks wouldn't be involved -I am bored with end-of-season Daleks. And I was only just willing to allow other Timelords (I don't mind them bringing the Master back as long as they do better than last time). I actually cried out in disappointment when I first heard that Dalek voice in the underground chamber. However when all the other villains (and the Judoon, who're supposed to be galactic police) showed up I figured I could let a couple of Daleks in a crowd go.

Now intrigued to see what will happen next. As davegotsu has pointed out, whatever the solution is it will probably be something that's been around/present all along and we'll all slap ourselves round the head when the reveal comes. And obviously it will be much more subtle than that lingering camera shot of the Doctor's spare hand was in series 4, I mean I figured that one out beforehand (hee hee).
My theory is that it will be something to do with Amy, or Amelia when she was little. Something else happened to that kid, and living in such proximity to the crack for so long must have done something to her.


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