Because I still have a weakness for these surveys

Aug 10, 2012 12:13

What is the last thing that you picked up off of the floor?
A bowl that once had the cereal I ate for breakfast.

Have you ever had meningitis, mononucleosis, or the swine flu before?

What is your favorite meat to eat?

When did you stop having a “bedtime”?
Sometime in high school, I think.

When you go to a restaurant do you usually order the same thing each time, or do you try new foods?
I sometimes order the same things, but I like to mix it up once in a while.

When is your next doctor’s appointment?
I don't have anything scheduled.

When did you learn how to tie your shoe?
I think in Kindergarten.

Do you sometimes accidentally write letters backwards?

What probably needs to get cleaned the most in your house right now?
Probably the laundry room.

Do you/your family own a dishwasher, or do you do your dishes by hand?
We have a dishwasher, but we don't use it very often. We try to wash our dishes by hand as we use them.

What is the largest amount of money that you have ever found laying in the street before?
A 5 dollar bill.

Would you rather go to the zoo or a carnival, and why?
It depends on my mood. A carnival is fun, but zoos are more laid-back and relaxing.

Do you prefer to swim in a pool or at a beach, and why?
I used to say that pools were better for swimming, but lately whenever I've been swimming in a pool I've been really irritated by the chlorine. Pools are still more convenient, but if given the choice I think I'd rather go to the beach and swim in a lake.

How often do you or someone in your family need to mow your lawn?
About once a week or so.

Describe your job.
What job? I've been trying to work as a freelance writer, but I've grown really disillusioned by it. I think I'll keep it as a side gig, but I'm currently looking for other work.

What are you hungry for?
I'm not hungry at all at the moment.

What is the oddest thing you have in your bedroom that someone would be surprised to find. Why is it there?
I don't know what the oddest thing would be. Maybe the two pet rats that we have, but I don't think that's very odd.

What do you sleep in? In terms of clothes?
I've gotten into the habit of not wearing anything.

Would you play naked twister?

What is the longest period of time that you’ve gone without a shower?
A couple of days. I shower daily unless it's not an option.

Haagen-Dazs or Ben & Jerry’s?
I don't have a preference. I just like good ice cream.

What is always in your refrigerator?
A pitcher of filtered water. It's pretty much the only thing that is always there.

What’s your favorite cookie?
chocolate chip

What is your favorite type of weather?
Slightly cool fall weather.

Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?
I like both.

Do you exercise regularly? If so, how often?
Sadly, I don't exercise regularly. I would like to get back into the habit of doing so at least every few days.

Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they?
I don't have any piercings.

Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they?
No tattoos either. Oddly enough, I like tattoos and can appreciate them on other people. I just don't have any myself.

Do you like to dance?
Not particularly. Sometimes it's fun, but I don't go dancing very often.

Do you drink? If yes, how often?
I drink every once in a while. Normally I just have a couple of beers or a glass of wine. I don't like to get drunk.

Do you smoke? If yes, how much?
I don't smoke. I was raised by two respiratory therapists who instilled a fear of smoking in me from a young age. I've never liked cigarette smoke anyway.

When you die, would you rather be buried or cremated?
I used to say that I would rather be buried, but my wife wants to be cremated and have her ashes brought to the North Shore in Duluth. I like the idea of having the same thing done for me. That way, we can at least be together.

Three physical features you get complimented on a lot?
My eyes. I don't know what else since I'm not a mind reader.

Current friend that you have known the longest?
Carlos, although we've kind of grown apart.

How long have you ever been camping?
A few days.

Are there any summer movies coming out that you are looking forward to seeing?
Nothing stands out in my mind that I haven't seen already.

When was the last time you went to the beach?
A couple of days ago.

What’s your favorite thing to do during the summer?
I'm not sure. Summer used to be when I didn't have to go to school. Now that I'm not going to school, there's nothing in my mind that distinguishes it from any other time of the year. Mostly I just like not having to deal with icy roads, shoveling snow or any of the other stuff that happens in the winter.

What’s your favorite season and why?
Fall. The weather is at its most comfortable, and I like seeing the leaves change colors.

Do you know anyone who has taken a gap year or a leave of absence from school?
I know a lot of people who have done that. I even did it myself, although the gap was more like a semester as opposed to a year.

Have you ever taken summer school?
I've taken college courses during the summer.

Have you ever listened to the band Reptar?

Do you ever get allergies?
I'm probably allergic to a bunch of things that I don't know about. It would explain a lot.

Have you gotten sick this year? Do you get sick often?
I've had minor colds that go away in a day, but that's about it. I don't get sick very often.

What’s the last movie you saw? Was it good?
The last movie I saw in the theater was The Dark Knight Rises. It was good. The last movie I watched was the second movie in the Lone Wolf and Cub series (look it up; it was originally a manga published years ago). It was good in the highly stylized way that ultra-violent Japanese samurai movies often are.

Are there a lot of trees where you live? Do you like it that way?
We have enough trees around here in suburban Minnesota. Yes, I do like it that way.
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