May 31, 2007 16:14
I have been away from LJ for 1 1/2 weeks and when I came back, it was right in the middle of the 'strikethroug / witchhunt'. I know there will be more people like me who just got back in the middle of it or didn't even know about it, until they were told by friends or saw the ljnews. (my bf being one of those people)
I won't comment a lot about it, and all of you who haven't already, go and read the news. I thought it was a bit overreacting, but I did take some precautions... I took the interest shota away from my profile page, just in case. Though I will get it up again, I thought it better to be safe then sorry, especially since a community I was a member of 'disappeared'. At least that was what it felt like.
One thing in the reply from the lj staff and it's mother company got my interest. They said that 'Both in the instructions for profiles and in other places on the site we make it clear that interests listed should be evaluated within the context of “I like x”, “I’m in favor of x” or “I support x”. '
since when is this? I know I don't use the interests that way. In fact, it says in the instructions when altering your profile page, that the interests are used as keywords to search others with the same interests. Also and I quote this from the instructions:
"Korte termen van een enkel woord zijn het beste.
Vuistregel: You moet de interesse eigenlijk in een zin als "Ik hou van _________ " moeten kunnen gebruiken.
Als je naar zelfstandige naamwoorden verwijst, gebruik dan de meervoudsvorm voor consistentie, bijv: "Ik hou van DVD's" in plaats van "Ik hou van DVD".
GOED Voorbeeld: fietsen, skiën, computers, dvds, mp3s, kaas
FOUT Voorbeeld: Ik hou van heel veel popgroepen en van films kijken en kletsen met vrienden, en uitgaan naar clubs. Dat soort dingen horen thuis in je bio, hierbeneden."
This is in Dutch, since I am Dutch. If I understand it correctly (and trust me, I do know my own language, even if I might sometimes misinterpret English) it doesn't say at all that the interests have to be read as 'I like X or I am in favor of X'. What is says is that you have to put it in short terms, preferably one word, and that you should be able to use the interest in a sentence like 'I like ...' This means that you don't have to read the interest as 'I like X'. Also, this is a guideline, not a rule. But it is specifically stated that saying things like "I like cheese, am reading this and that book and love to chat with friends" should not be in your interests but in your bio....
So if you have to use keywords in stead of sentences, how could you defend that any keyword listed as an interest, has to be read as I like this keyword, I support this keyword or I am in favor of this keyword? Especially when it is said nowhere in the instructions that that is how your should read your interests.
Just a small thing to think about, but it caught my attention.