a word for the lovers

Nov 04, 2006 12:26

a word for the lovers

I have a story about a lover who could not be complete without another lover. Because the loneliest situation is to be a lover with no one to love.

I have a story about two lovers. Enraptured by simple silent love. The pounding on the walls and the words of those who doubt love fall upon happily deaf ears.

The deaf lovers step outside for only a moment. The war is still going on. The machines still racing against time and people bickering in parking lots. Is this a world for the deaf lovers?

They see with their eyes and wish to be all blind and dumb... deaf and silent... as the only way for them to travel across town for means to extend life.

How they return, the lovers, to one another without deafness, dumbness, or blindness to protect their fragile embrace... how do they return together?

As other people the lovers stare at the strange face in front of them. Having forgotten their fragile love and the simple embrace holding their lives together. The natural form of love has become no more. Consumed by the world and the war.

How did these previous lovers become stranger to themselves and to each other. It is uncertain. The many reasons to hold one another in cold disregard seem to outlast them simple love they had aimed to maintain.

Doubt, paranoia. Struggling to keep up with the machines racing against time. Fighting to find food and shelter on their own. Enemies now. Taking up the small rations. A civil argument between lovers who have become angry siblings caught up in a tide of that which is not love.
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