it's just what it is

Jan 26, 2017 23:13

My anxiety has been pretty much crushing me lately.

I haven't even been able to talk about it and pretty much isolated myself as per.

Panic attacks increased to minimum of 7 a day high of 20 something. Voice inside my head screaming at the blank face in the mirror kind of stuff.

I know what it's all about. I think I do. There's 2 days coming up that I pretty much hate. 1 is something from my past and another is a day that I just can't deal with. I'm not going to go into them. I don't need to write these days down. I just need to accept that they are happening and realise that they will be over.

I've done better this week. My cousin is moving homes so I've been able to keep myself pretty busy and active. Limiting my alone 'freak out' times.

Tonight I cried a lot, I can't seem to not cry these days. Everything is so overwhelming.

Wouldn't it be great if you could just take a holiday away from your own mind!
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