*drunkeness, hyperness and.... energy sweets!!!!!!

Jul 10, 2002 23:56

hehehe well today was a very funnee day.....

in the morning i had to draw a naked man several times :O :O :O lol which of course was great fun :-p and then i schived this afternoon *shock shock horror!* and went up to rans. yay! hahah martin picked me up from the station in his scaffy nova hehehe nice. and ooft he drives too fast! jake that i am. anyhoo.... we got to rans where most ppl were quite drunk which was veree amoosing seen as it was only like 4 in the afternoon! lololol. even tho it was originally a florence reunion only 4 of us there had gone to florence! hmm who was all there.... me, ran (surprisingly enough!), jennie, martin, max, graham, colin, jamie .s, jamie .p, duncan, foster (who has pretee eyes!) and, hmm i fink thats it. well at first it was pretty shit and me n max tried to o.d on energy tablets but it didnt really work... until that is.... i stepped outside! hehehe. we waled jennie home n went to the shops and then the hyperness hit me! ace maaaan! nehoo, then we all headed back to rans and watched tv which very amoosing cos we watched the simpsons n the rugrats and funny stuff like that. so it was cool. hmmm not much else happened but it wa just a funny day. we left rans at like 9 and me, max, jennie and graham were gonna go to grahams... but... erm.... never quite made it! lol. but mmmm we got a dominos and yes thats rite thanks to *me* (and "pauls" daftness!) we got a free dominos! yaaaas how good. then we strolled up to the jet garage where my daddy picked me up and gave jennie a lift home.

ok it sounds like a really shit day but it was actually *so* funny :)

ok ima go now cos i hav to get up in early in the mornin yet again. gayness man. but me and jennie are gettin wasted 2moro nite :) yaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!!

bye for now!

xXx LoRnSkApOpS xXx
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