Feb 24, 2006 00:00
Okay, so I choose to take english classes, gets me some extra credit that is needed,
(not that I am performing abominably at college, eveyone needs to get it.. an odd concept)
however, I believe I am better than the english teacher herself at english :/
in today's class I seemed to know better than her in at least three instances..
we looked at some summaries written by people... I noticed some grammatical innaccuracies that she didnt...
however, later when he handed us a form for us to base our own summary on, I noticed a grammatical mistake/ odd construction there "the assignments must be handed in not later than the 7th of march" - "not later than"? so I sorta suggested it should be "no later than" - her response was that I must have been confusing it with "no sooner than" because she'd never heard of what I mentioned... even though ive seen it many times... she's also unfamiliar with "as yet"
.. I suppose having had an english teacher who was canadian, for 6 years, sort of spoiled me.. people who learn a language at a young age have a good feel for it..
mine's definately better than the teacher's :/