I took Stacy to watch Coraline today, in 3D which I usually avoid like the plague. However the neighborhood movie place didn't have it and the next one over only had the 3D version and I didn't feel like venturing farther because ehhh lazy Sunday. I don't like 3D coz in addition to being shortsighted (where I can only see stuff up close? I get short/far sighted confused) I have astigmatism so when my glasses are slightly skewed I get a headache and putting 3D glasses on top of my glasses usually does that so 3D movie = headache for me.
Anyway aside from the headache, GO SEE Coraline! It is made of awesome. I loved it, Stacy really liked it too. I was kinda apprehensive with her because I knew it was dark, umm Neil Gaiman, hello? I really want to get the book now, I'm not sure if Stacy will ever read it but I will and Angelica probably will read it too.
It is a brilliant movie and throughout the lead up to the opening we'd been checking the website and know about the insane lady who hand knitted those
tiny sweaters/gloves that the stop motion Coraline wears. Insanely detailed knitting lady is insane to do this but, whatever rocks your boat plus she's got mad skillz to be able to do this. I also love how they came up with the ideas for the flowers in the garden, the imagery and detail are exquisite and although it gave me a headache that lasted for quite some time afterwards I would recommend seeing it in 3D just for the detail you get to see.
Stacy now wants a Coraline starry sweater and blue boots so she can be Coraline for Halloween. I plan on searching for a semi glittery deep blue sweater and then sewing white felt/velour stars onto it.